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Stories from February 14, 2021
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1. Show HN: Khan-dl – Khan Academy Course Downloader (github.com/rand-net)
473 points by rand_net on Feb 14, 2021 | 173 comments
2. Half Doses of Moderna Vaccine Produce Neutralizing Antibodies (marginalrevolution.com)
339 points by elsewhen on Feb 14, 2021 | 391 comments
3. Extruding Ice from Steel Fences and Pipes with Diurnal Freeze/Thaw (2008) (ilstu.edu)
261 points by yosamino on Feb 13, 2021 | 21 comments
4. Write a Shell in C (brennan.io)
276 points by mindcrime on Feb 13, 2021 | 80 comments
5. Learn Functional Programming Visually (david-peter.de)
354 points by polyrand on Feb 14, 2021 | 65 comments
6. DeepMind achieves SOTA image recognition with 8.7x faster training (arxiv.org)
291 points by highfrequency on Feb 14, 2021 | 83 comments
7. The complexity that lives in the GUI (royalsloth.eu)
361 points by yes_but_no on Feb 14, 2021 | 214 comments
8. Julia 1.6: what has changed since Julia 1.0? (oxinabox.net)
262 points by Sukera on Feb 14, 2021 | 207 comments
9. “Location-Based Pay” – Who are we to complain? (blackshaw.substack.com)
369 points by whoooooo123 on Feb 14, 2021 | 732 comments
10. Statement on New York Times Article (astralcodexten.substack.com)
866 points by jger15 on Feb 14, 2021 | 411 comments
11. Nyuzi – An Experimental Open-Source FPGA GPGPU Processor (github.com/jbush001)
165 points by peter_d_sherman on Feb 14, 2021 | 68 comments
12. (Very) Basic Intro to Elliptic Curve Cryptography (qvault.io)
222 points by wagslane on Feb 14, 2021 | 41 comments
13. Graphics Programming Weekly (jendrikillner.com)
179 points by E-Reverance on Feb 14, 2021 | 29 comments
14. On navigating a large codebase (royalsloth.eu)
274 points by mooreds on Feb 14, 2021 | 135 comments
15. What was the original reason for the design of AT&T assembly syntax? (2017) (stackoverflow.com)
108 points by luu on Feb 13, 2021 | 58 comments
16. Data Laced with History: Causal Trees and Operational CRDTs (2018) (archagon.net)
103 points by mcovalt on Feb 13, 2021 | 10 comments
17. Jet.jl: A WIP compile time type checker for Julia (github.com/aviatesk)
146 points by amkkma on Feb 14, 2021 | 19 comments
18. Why “Trusting the Science” Is Complicated (lareviewofbooks.org)
208 points by pseudolus on Feb 13, 2021 | 308 comments
19. Fluxus – A 3D game engine for live-coding worlds into existence (pawfal.org)
182 points by _zhqs on Feb 14, 2021 | 23 comments
20. Racket v8.0 (racket-lang.org)
276 points by azhenley on Feb 14, 2021 | 41 comments
21. GTA III and Vice City fully reverse engineered: re3 (github.com/gtamodding)
433 points by blewboarwastake on Feb 14, 2021 | 154 comments
22. A second look at "no code" tools (2019) (webflow.com)
139 points by tosh on Feb 14, 2021 | 154 comments
23. Distribution of JVM Desktop Applications (frankel.ch)
133 points by nfrankel on Feb 14, 2021 | 122 comments
24. Malaysia Has Turned Lion Dancing into a Gravity-Defying Extreme Sport (atlasobscura.com)
147 points by clockworksoul on Feb 12, 2021 | 23 comments
25. 1921 Duesenberg Model A Belonged to the Same Family for Almost a Century (thedrive.com)
77 points by clouddrover on Feb 14, 2021 | 31 comments
26. RethinkDNS – monitor app activity, block ads and firewall apps on Android (bravedns.com)
128 points by URfejk on Feb 14, 2021 | 77 comments
27. K-9 Mail is looking for funding (k9mail.app)
379 points by BubuIIC on Feb 14, 2021 | 138 comments
28. Amber Smalltalk (amber-lang.net)
121 points by owenm on Feb 14, 2021 | 12 comments
29. No Qualified Immunity for Cops Who Made Stuff Up to Justify Phone Seizure (techdirt.com)
234 points by pmiller2 on Feb 14, 2021 | 140 comments
30. The Legendary Study That Embarrassed Wine Experts (2014) (realclearscience.com)
121 points by Tomte on Feb 14, 2021 | 173 comments

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