1. | | Mathematicians find way to put 7 cylinders in contact without using their ends (sciencenews.org) |
265 points by ColinWright on April 5, 2014 | 84 comments
2. | | Alan Kay at Demo: The Future Doesn't Have to Be Incremental (youtube.com) |
249 points by corysama on April 5, 2014 | 83 comments
3. | | Why UPS Trucks Rarely Turn Left (priceonomics.com) |
228 points by lelf on April 5, 2014 | 127 comments
4. | | Primer: Shaders (underscorediscovery.com) |
189 points by hughsk on April 5, 2014 | 35 comments
5. | | Recreating the THX Deep Note (earslap.com) |
173 points by nkurz on April 5, 2014 | 27 comments
6. | | Can I delete my Skype account? (skype.com) |
178 points by Splendor on April 5, 2014 | 78 comments
7. | | Low-level is easy (yosefk.com) |
166 points by luu on April 5, 2014 | 56 comments
8. | | Say “no” to import side‐effects in Python (chrismorgan.info) |
148 points by chrismorgan on April 5, 2014 | 85 comments
9. | | [dupe] Ask HN Mods: Can you make submission URLs human-readable? |
137 points by 3rd3 on April 5, 2014 | 71 comments
10. | | Taking Pictures with a DRAM Chip (translate.google.com) |
130 points by sizzle on April 5, 2014 | 34 comments
11. | | 2048 implemented in 487 bytes of C (gist.github.com) |
123 points by adamnemecek on April 5, 2014 | 45 comments
12. | | C# 6: First reactions (msmvps.com) |
117 points by yulaow on April 5, 2014 | 65 comments
13. | | RegExr 2.0 (regexr.com) |
106 points by _kushagra on April 5, 2014 | 43 comments
14. | | The SEO Dominance of RetailMeNot (priceonomics.com) |
108 points by zbravo on April 5, 2014 | 47 comments
15. | | Functionally Solving Problems With Haskell (learnyouahaskell.com) |
107 points by hawkharris on April 5, 2014 | 60 comments
16. | | Sony blocks Sintel on YouTube (blendernation.com) |
96 points by Morgawr on April 5, 2014 | 48 comments
17. | | India Launches Its Second Navigation Satellite (space.com) |
91 points by middleclick on April 5, 2014 | 15 comments
18. | | Technology’s Man Problem (nytimes.com) |
87 points by metermaid on April 5, 2014 | 69 comments
19. | | Moving Remy in Harmony: Pixar's Use of Harmonic Functions (ams.org) |
86 points by ot on April 5, 2014 | 8 comments
20. | | Opal: Ruby in Your Browser – the Basics (sitepoint.com) |
81 points by bentanweihao on April 5, 2014 | 46 comments
21. | | Chrome is blocking wired.com (wired.com) |
75 points by hammerbrostime on April 5, 2014 | 90 comments
22. | | Functional C (1997) (utwente.nl) |
73 points by X4 on April 5, 2014 | 10 comments
23. | | Mathematics: Why the brain sees maths as beauty (bbc.com) |
73 points by sytelus on April 5, 2014 | 45 comments
24. | | Ask HN: I am a good developer but have a serious gaming addiction |
69 points by gameraddict on April 5, 2014 | 61 comments
25. | | America's Young Adults at 27: Results From a Longitudinal Survey Summary (bls.gov) |
71 points by wallflower on April 5, 2014 | 49 comments
26. | | China's Search Vessel Picks up Pulse Signal in South Indian Ocean (cri.cn) |
66 points by fla on April 5, 2014 | 68 comments
27. | | How we solved an infamous sliding bug (joostdevblog.blogspot.nl) |
65 points by exch on April 5, 2014 | 22 comments
28. | | The Joys And Ethics Of Insect Eating (npr.org) |
59 points by tellarin on April 5, 2014 | 69 comments
29. | | Pyro from Team Fortress 2 raytraced in your browser (jsfiddle.net) |
55 points by bhouston on April 5, 2014 | 10 comments
30. | | Startup Uses Eggs to Poach Employees from Facebook, Google (freshtechapps.com) |
55 points by kumarrahul on April 5, 2014 | 49 comments
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