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Stories from August 20, 2017
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1. Ideal OS: Rebooting the Desktop Operating System (joshondesign.com)
656 points by daureg on Aug 20, 2017 | 340 comments
2. Laverna – A Markdown note-taking app focused on privacy (laverna.cc)
334 points by mcone on Aug 20, 2017 | 169 comments
3. Marko – An isomorphic UI framework similar to Vue (markojs.com)
276 points by jsnathan on Aug 20, 2017 | 148 comments
4. A Tutorial on Portable Makefiles (nullprogram.com)
324 points by signa11 on Aug 20, 2017 | 105 comments
5. Rolling Your Own Blockchain in Haskell (michaelburge.us)
234 points by nicolast on Aug 20, 2017 | 32 comments
6. McCLIM: A GUI Toolkit for Common Lisp (common-lisp.net)
165 points by tosh on Aug 20, 2017 | 50 comments
7. IOCCC Flight Simulator (aerojockey.com)
251 points by xparadigm on Aug 20, 2017 | 29 comments
8. Exploring How and Why Trees ‘Talk’ to Each Other (yale.edu)
212 points by bryanrasmussen on Aug 19, 2017 | 38 comments
9. Defending Internet Freedom through Decentralization: Back to the Future? [pdf] (dci.mit.edu)
143 points by Dangeranger on Aug 19, 2017 | 46 comments
10. What is Hindley-Milner and why is it cool? (2008) (codecommit.com)
185 points by jwdunne on Aug 19, 2017 | 46 comments
11. Japan Is Selling Ice Cream That Doesn't Melt (cntraveler.com)
163 points by sndean on Aug 19, 2017 | 110 comments
12. Is the open office layout dead? (dropbox.com)
303 points by Antrikshy on Aug 20, 2017 | 361 comments
13. TreeSheets: Free Form Data Organizer (strlen.com)
188 points by andrius4669 on Aug 20, 2017 | 58 comments
14. Carl Icahn’s Failed Raid on Washington (newyorker.com)
135 points by GabrielF00 on Aug 19, 2017 | 44 comments
15. The Darknet and the Future of Content Distribution (2002) [pdf] (msl1.mit.edu)
100 points by lainon on Aug 20, 2017 | 65 comments
16. The Strange Disappearance of Cooperation in America (2013) (peterturchin.com)
167 points by metasean on Aug 20, 2017 | 180 comments
17. Kubermesh: self-hosted/healing/provisioning, partial-mesh network K8s cluster (github.com/kubermesh)
95 points by gfortaine on Aug 20, 2017 | 24 comments
18. Latency matters (bethselamin.de)
112 points by majewsky on Aug 20, 2017 | 105 comments
19. How the Voyager space probe's golden record was made (newyorker.com)
96 points by matco11 on Aug 20, 2017 | 23 comments
20. An OSI model for the 21st century (2014) (davidad.github.io)
90 points by eaguyhn on Aug 20, 2017 | 27 comments
21. Reflecting on the founding, growth and maturing of Overleaf (errantscience.com)
96 points by JohnHammersley on Aug 20, 2017 | 32 comments
22. What it feels like to be in the zone as a programmer (dopeboy.github.io)
285 points by dopeboy on Aug 20, 2017 | 113 comments
23. Former GE CEO Jeff Immelt Close to Becoming Uber’s CEO (techcrunch.com)
88 points by xyzzy_plugh on Aug 19, 2017 | 132 comments
24. Golymer – Create HTML custom elements with Go (GopherJS) (github.com/microo8)
66 points by microo8 on Aug 20, 2017 | 5 comments
25. Dplug for Developing VST Plugins on Linux (modernmetalproduction.com)
67 points by p0nce on Aug 20, 2017 | 26 comments
26. How do I improve my storytelling? (metafilter.com)
175 points by nvr219 on Aug 20, 2017 | 33 comments
27. Scientists Find Record 2.7M-Year-Old Ice Core in Antarctica (smithsonianmag.com)
74 points by Mz on Aug 19, 2017 | 10 comments
28. Eclipse Ceylon (eclipse.org)
84 points by tannhaeuser on Aug 20, 2017 | 36 comments
29. Diaspora version released (diasporafoundation.org)
128 points by chtfn on Aug 20, 2017 | 62 comments
30. Supernova’s messy birth casts doubt on reliability of astronomical yardstick (nature.com)
60 points by okket on Aug 20, 2017 | 18 comments

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