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Stories from October 5, 2013
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1. Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult (reuters.com)
638 points by selmnoo on Oct 5, 2013 | 566 comments
2. A "Hacker's" Guide to the Bay Area (islandofatlas.net)
312 points by presty on Oct 5, 2013 | 128 comments
3. Appmaker (mozillalabs.com)
318 points by co_pl_te on Oct 5, 2013 | 92 comments
4. I emailed the CEO of T-Mobile and he killed my contract (bizjournals.com)
211 points by amerf1 on Oct 5, 2013 | 97 comments
5. Ethiopian Binary Math (uh.edu)
192 points by midgetjones on Oct 5, 2013 | 66 comments
6. Rubinius 2.0 released (rubini.us)
189 points by steveklabnik on Oct 5, 2013 | 47 comments
7. Preventing 'layout thrashing' (wilsonpage.co.uk)
175 points by makepanic on Oct 5, 2013 | 40 comments
8. Boston Dynamics Unleashes Wildcat, the Sprinting Quadruped Robot (eetimes.com)
172 points by upwardbound on Oct 5, 2013 | 124 comments
9. How to Corrupt an SQLite Database File (sqlite.org)
152 points by naftaliharris on Oct 5, 2013 | 63 comments
10. Maven is broken by design (ltgt.net)
143 points by richardw on Oct 5, 2013 | 89 comments
11. Everybody Let's Stop the TPP: Share These Videos and Spread the Word (eff.org)
133 points by DiabloD3 on Oct 5, 2013 | 35 comments
12. On comparing languages, C++ and Go (grok.se)
126 points by abelsson on Oct 5, 2013 | 127 comments
13. HN Notify (hnnotify.com)
120 points by josephwegner on Oct 5, 2013 | 47 comments
14. Alaska National Weather Service office begs “please pay us” in secret message (washingtonpost.com)
117 points by 8ig8 on Oct 5, 2013 | 35 comments
15. Setting Up A Chromebook Development Laptop (zfeldman.com)
117 points by thebiglebrewski on Oct 5, 2013 | 68 comments
16. Go vs C++: Ray tracer (part 3) (kidoman.com)
115 points by kid0m4n on Oct 5, 2013 | 60 comments
17. Btcd: Not your mom's Bitcoin daemon (conformal.com)
111 points by conformal on Oct 5, 2013 | 55 comments
18. The Existential Risk of Mathematical Error (gwern.net)
106 points by gwern on Oct 5, 2013 | 20 comments
19. PuzzleScript is an open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine (puzzlescript.net)
101 points by davidgomes on Oct 5, 2013 | 20 comments
20. Oberon (2009) (ignorethecode.net)
99 points by olaf on Oct 5, 2013 | 31 comments
21. Cloud-based User Management for Web Apps (userapp.io)
109 points by typerandom on Oct 5, 2013 | 78 comments
22. Why HN Should Use Randomized Algorithms (danluu.com)
93 points by luu on Oct 5, 2013 | 40 comments
23. NetBSD 6.1.2 has been released (netbsd.org)
84 points by sgt on Oct 5, 2013 | 25 comments
24. Show HN: Upbeat, HN for music - Node + Redis + Angular + Soundcloud (upbeatapp.com)
77 points by shaunrussell on Oct 5, 2013 | 40 comments
25. Turning a Wii Balance Board into a net-enabled bathroom scale (stavros.io)
74 points by stavros on Oct 5, 2013 | 21 comments
26. Ask HN: Going back to programming
74 points by teekay on Oct 5, 2013 | 57 comments
27. Jester, a Sinatra-like web framework for Nimrod (github.com/dom96)
70 points by networked on Oct 5, 2013 | 18 comments
28. US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban (theguardian.com)
71 points by grey-area on Oct 5, 2013 | 32 comments
29. Why Do We Eat Popcorn at the Movies? (smithsonianmag.com)
66 points by shrikant on Oct 5, 2013 | 57 comments
30. Cheap razor made after P&G watches Indians shave (yahoo.com)
67 points by iamwil on Oct 5, 2013 | 75 comments

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