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Stories from August 19, 2010
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1. What different sorting algorithms sound like (youtube.com)
231 points by pavs on Aug 19, 2010 | 39 comments
2. Celebrate Whyday (whyday.org)
225 points by binbasti on Aug 19, 2010 | 78 comments
3. Why aren't you using git-flow? (jeffkreeftmeijer.com)
215 points by jkreeftmeijer on Aug 19, 2010 | 51 comments
4. Mobile Flash Fail: Weak Android Player Proves Jobs Right (laptopmag.com)
203 points by glhaynes on Aug 19, 2010 | 189 comments
5. Recovering deleted files using grep (atomicobject.com)
168 points by atomicobject on Aug 19, 2010 | 47 comments
6. In Praise of Quitting Your Job, or The New Work Ethic. (pieratt.tumblr.com)
161 points by pstinnett on Aug 19, 2010 | 52 comments
7. Don’t let jQuery’s $(document).ready() slow you down (encosia.com)
139 points by gspyrou on Aug 19, 2010 | 22 comments
8. Intel to buy McAfee for $7.7 Billion (nytimes.com)
136 points by kvs on Aug 19, 2010 | 118 comments
9. A word about _why, #whyday , and Hackety Hack (steveklabnik.com)
133 points by icey on Aug 19, 2010 | 18 comments
10. 2010 Startup School: October 16 at Stanford (startupschool.org)
128 points by pg on Aug 19, 2010 | 59 comments
11. Clojure 1.2 released (clojure.blogspot.com)
114 points by bretthoerner on Aug 19, 2010 | 5 comments
12. How to think like an entrepreneur, wherever you are (techcrunch.com)
110 points by ahoyhere on Aug 19, 2010 | 32 comments
13. Review my site: AwesomenessReminders (awesomenessreminders.com)
102 points by zackattack on Aug 19, 2010 | 94 comments
14. Did Germany experience industrial boom in 19th c due to absence of copyright? (spiegel.de)
95 points by afschar on Aug 19, 2010 | 44 comments
15. How does mkdir() really work? (unix.stackexchange.com)
90 points by spolsky on Aug 19, 2010 | 31 comments
16. Heroku clone for Django? (djangy.com)
88 points by room606 on Aug 19, 2010 | 61 comments
17. Pedal to the Mettle: The unbelievable, true story of Automoblox (core77.com)
80 points by chip on Aug 19, 2010 | 27 comments
18. The Future of Compiler Optimization (regehr.org)
80 points by dochtman on Aug 19, 2010 | 35 comments
19. Rands in Repose: How to Run a Meeting (randsinrepose.com)
79 points by filament on Aug 19, 2010 | 14 comments
20. First Clojure conference (clojure-conj.org)
77 points by lukev on Aug 19, 2010 | 21 comments
21. Skype’s Chief Development Officer Leaves Amid TechCrunch Comment Fiasco (techcrunch.com)
72 points by desigooner on Aug 19, 2010 | 8 comments
22. Facebook launching Facebook Places (check-ins) (facebook.com)
71 points by tlrobinson on Aug 19, 2010 | 71 comments
23. Australia gets its own Y Combinator-type fund (delimiter.com.au)
69 points by joshsharp on Aug 19, 2010 | 39 comments
24. How Freelancers Can Avoid Old Boot Soup (letsfreckle.com)
66 points by Calamitous on Aug 19, 2010 | 13 comments
25. C++ Compilation Speed (drdobbs.com)
63 points by fogus on Aug 19, 2010 | 45 comments
26. Simplicity vs. Choice (joelonsoftware.com)
54 points by joshuacc on Aug 19, 2010 | 15 comments
27. Ask HN: Why do we not have a Wiki yet?
51 points by jdc on Aug 19, 2010 | 29 comments
28. Startup Hipmunk offers dazzling new view of flight search (cnn.com)
50 points by jacquesm on Aug 19, 2010 | 38 comments
29. Ask HN: What problem does Foursquare/Gowalla/Places solve?
50 points by mcxx on Aug 19, 2010 | 66 comments
30. One shot, once a minute catches a Tit. (ildekon.blogspot.com)
47 points by chanux on Aug 19, 2010 | 18 comments

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