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Stories from August 13, 2019
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1. Ebola Is Now Curable (wired.com)
1232 points by NoRagrets on Aug 12, 2019 | 154 comments
2. Fewer Than Half of Google Searches Now Result in a Click (sparktoro.com)
755 points by adamcarson on Aug 13, 2019 | 513 comments
3. Proteins That May Restore Damaged Sound-Detecting Cells in the Ear (hopkinsmedicine.org)
510 points by laurex on Aug 13, 2019 | 95 comments
4. Milky Way’s Black Hole Just Flared, Growing 75 Times as Bright for a Few Hours (universetoday.com)
610 points by cyanbane on Aug 13, 2019 | 244 comments
5. One City Saved $5M by Routing School Buses with an Algorithm (routefifty.com)
350 points by emrosecoleman on Aug 12, 2019 | 153 comments
6. Three Kinds of Good Tech Debt (engineering.squarespace.com)
426 points by memset on Aug 13, 2019 | 152 comments
7. Show HN: Divjoy – React Codebase and UI Generator (divjoy.com)
511 points by makeee on Aug 13, 2019 | 131 comments
8. Down the Rabbit-Hole (googleprojectzero.blogspot.com)
430 points by janvdberg on Aug 13, 2019 | 84 comments
9. Anxiety Looks Different in Men (wsj.com)
395 points by andygcook on Aug 12, 2019 | 220 comments
10. The fungus that devastates the Cavendish banana has now arrived in Latin America (nationalgeographic.com)
253 points by reddotX on Aug 13, 2019 | 191 comments
11. We Made Amiga, They Fucked It Up (2015) (filfre.net)
265 points by pmoriarty on Aug 13, 2019 | 235 comments
12. GNU Radio 3.8 (gnuradio.org)
268 points by eplanit on Aug 12, 2019 | 67 comments
13. Show HN: Yack – Community Browser for Hacker News, Reddit, YouTube and More (yack.io)
246 points by 7961636B6572 on Aug 13, 2019 | 171 comments
14. Minify Your SVGs (victorzhou.com)
264 points by vzhou842 on Aug 12, 2019 | 65 comments
15. Removing One Maine Dam 20 Years Ago Changed Everything (therevelator.org)
180 points by howard941 on Aug 13, 2019 | 96 comments
16. The “terrible” 3 cent MCU – a short survey of sub $0.10 microcontrollers (cpldcpu.wordpress.com)
252 points by jerryr on Aug 13, 2019 | 94 comments
17. Somehow I Became Respectable (theparisreview.org)
170 points by shange on Aug 13, 2019 | 113 comments
18. The hypersane are among us, if only we are prepared to look (aeon.co)
237 points by lxm on Aug 12, 2019 | 240 comments
19. Supercomputers will start building a 3D map of the world (c4isrnet.com)
141 points by jonbaer on Aug 13, 2019 | 77 comments
20. Legit-Looking iPhone Lightning Cables Will Hijack Your Computer (vice.com)
215 points by kccqzy on Aug 11, 2019 | 150 comments
21. If you want developers to adopt your software, make it less risky (2017) (reifyworks.com)
117 points by mooreds on Aug 13, 2019 | 43 comments
22. The HP Way: How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company (1960) (gizmodo.com)
109 points by Tomte on Aug 11, 2019 | 20 comments
23. How the Pentagon Comes Up with Code Words and Secret Project Nicknames (thedrive.com)
116 points by jonbaer on Aug 12, 2019 | 15 comments
24. GitHub stars won’t pay your rent (medium.com/kitze)
426 points by tosh on Aug 13, 2019 | 176 comments
25. Urgent/11 – Zero Day Vulnerabilities Impacting VxWorks (armis.com)
125 points by phantom_oracle on Aug 13, 2019 | 71 comments
26. Turkmenistan on the brink of collapse? (cnn.com)
106 points by Tomte on Aug 11, 2019 | 102 comments
27. My Home Lab Server with 20 Cores / 40 Threads and 128 GB Memory (louwrentius.com)
239 points by louwrentius on Aug 13, 2019 | 213 comments
28. Launch HN: Shift Health (YC S19) – Understand Your Healthcare Costs Pre-Visit
86 points by Hydrick3232 on Aug 13, 2019 | 56 comments
29. Michael Cicconetti (wikipedia.org)
201 points by vezycash on Aug 13, 2019 | 89 comments
30. Crispr pioneer among University of California researchers boycotting Elsevier (chemistryworld.com)
208 points by r0n0j0y on Aug 13, 2019 | 44 comments

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