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Stories from July 27, 2024
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1. In the Beginning Was the Command Line (1999) (stanford.edu)
412 points by conanxin 57 days ago | 260 comments
2. Tritone Substitutions (johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com)
220 points by chmaynard 56 days ago | 134 comments
3. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (sysprog21.github.io)
395 points by wrycoder 57 days ago | 37 comments
4. An experiment in UI density created with Svelte (cybernetic.dev)
882 points by 11001100 56 days ago | 256 comments
5. Learning about PCI-e: Driver and DMA (davidv.dev)
229 points by todsacerdoti 57 days ago | 23 comments
6. Roguecraft Devs on Developing for Amiga in 2024 (timeextension.com)
168 points by ibobev 56 days ago | 30 comments
7. Free DDNS with Cloudflare and a cronjob (github.com/devrim)
337 points by aesopsfable 57 days ago | 195 comments
8. Oscar Zariski was one of the founders of modern algebraic geometry (boogiemath.org)
194 points by boogiemath 57 days ago | 76 comments
9. The New Internet (tailscale.com)
517 points by ingve 57 days ago | 305 comments
10. Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control (jamesbvaughan.com)
287 points by jamesbvaughan 59 days ago | 138 comments
11. The secret of Minecraft (2014) (medium.com/message)
220 points by prawn 59 days ago | 223 comments
12. Göttingen was one of the most productive centers of mathematics (2019) (theconversation.com)
273 points by marvinborner 57 days ago | 181 comments
13. Show HN: Semantic Grep – A Word2Vec-powered search tool (github.com/arunsupe)
356 points by arunsupe 56 days ago | 57 comments
14. Managarm: Pragmatic microkernel-based OS with asynchronous I/O (github.com/managarm)
160 points by ksp-atlas 56 days ago | 59 comments
15. TOTP tokens on my wrist with the smartest dumb watch (singleton.io)
274 points by alexmolas 57 days ago | 65 comments
16. Paper cuttings made by 17th-century schoolgirls discovered beneath floorboards (smithsonianmag.com)
210 points by benbreen 61 days ago | 89 comments
17. Windows recovery environment and bootable USB creator in 200kb (github.com/joshuacline)
195 points by _ol1s 57 days ago | 44 comments
18. An Interview with Robert Caro and Kurt Vonnegut (1999) (robertcaro.org)
107 points by cocacola1 56 days ago | 40 comments
19. Vikings in al-Andalus and the Maghreb (alandalusylahistoria.com)
97 points by Bluestein 57 days ago | 95 comments
20. Mastering Ruby Code Navigation: Ruby LSP Enhancements in the First Half of 2024 (railsatscale.com)
140 points by ksec 60 days ago | 67 comments
21. Courts Close the Loophole Letting the Feds Search Your Phone at the Border (reason.com)
324 points by mhb 57 days ago | 167 comments
22. Why Adventure Games Suck (1989) (grumpygamer.com)
131 points by lifeisstillgood 61 days ago | 154 comments
23. Beyond Authenticity: Hannah Arendt's final unfinished work (aeon.co)
82 points by apollinaire 57 days ago | 30 comments
24. Taking a Radio Camping (ewpratten.com)
139 points by ewpratten 57 days ago | 50 comments
25. Driving Compilers (fabiensanglard.net)
161 points by ibobev 57 days ago | 8 comments
26. Bril: An Intermediate Language for Teaching Compilers (cornell.edu)
170 points by signa11 57 days ago | 28 comments
27. Maglev titanium heart inside the chest of a live patient (newatlas.com)
192 points by thunderbong 57 days ago | 154 comments
28. Was early modern writing paper expensive? (2018) (folger.edu)
69 points by Bluestein 57 days ago | 92 comments
29. Europe is in danger of regulating its tech market out of existence (foreignpolicy.com)
391 points by paulpauper 57 days ago | 728 comments
30. Introduction to Machine Learning Interviews Book (huyenchip.com)
151 points by ibobev 57 days ago | 9 comments

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