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Stories from March 1, 2010
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1. How I Made $6K With My eBook (macournoyer.com)
160 points by xutopia on March 1, 2010 | 69 comments
2. YCRFS 6: iPad Applications (ycombinator.com)
149 points by pg on March 1, 2010 | 107 comments
3. Twitter Drops MySQL For Cassandra (informationweek.com)
129 points by chanux on March 1, 2010 | 40 comments
4. Tell HN: Best OS X Utility for programmers who use the command line
108 points by weaksauce on March 1, 2010 | 58 comments
5. Kim Ung-yong: The man with the highest IQ (wikipedia.org)
106 points by fogus on March 1, 2010 | 120 comments
6. How to stop a story from appearing on Reddit (corte.si)
94 points by Pistos2 on March 1, 2010 | 30 comments
7. Picnik Acquired by Google (picnik.com)
91 points by alexandros on March 1, 2010 | 29 comments
8. Web Inspector Vs. Firebug (jayrobinson.org)
82 points by johns on March 1, 2010 | 44 comments
9. Password Chart (passwordchart.com)
81 points by superberliner on March 1, 2010 | 41 comments
10. YC 2010 startup needs journalists as early users (secretjournalismstartup.posterous.com)
81 points by stealthyc2010 on March 1, 2010 | 51 comments
11. Startup 3.0: How to Build a Better Web Startup (socrated.com)
80 points by malbiniak on March 1, 2010 | 23 comments
12. My Startup(s) Story. I hope it motivates someone. (grasshopper.com)
74 points by nkabbara on March 1, 2010 | 24 comments
13. I'm interviewing the founders of AirBnB live today at 1:30 pm (PT) (ycombinator.posterous.com)
74 points by jl on March 1, 2010 | 12 comments
14. Introducing GitHub Compare View (github.com/blog)
72 points by mqt on March 1, 2010 | 11 comments
15. Weight Lifting for Hackers (littlebitofcode.com)
69 points by jcnnghm on March 1, 2010 | 68 comments
16. Random thoughts on being an entrepreneur (gapingvoid.com)
67 points by gokhan on March 1, 2010 | 12 comments
17. Does your startup pass The Sleep Test? (markmaunder.com)
67 points by mmaunder on March 1, 2010 | 26 comments
18. Reddit explains their architecture, scaling and recent downtime (reddit.com)
65 points by mqt on March 1, 2010 | 16 comments
19. Use html5 video tags in html with flash fallback for old browsers (code.google.com)
65 points by chunkyslink on March 1, 2010 | 32 comments
20. WTFPL (wikipedia.org)
64 points by superberliner on March 1, 2010 | 34 comments
21. Evolving Faster Haskell Programs (now with LLVM) (donsbot.wordpress.com)
63 points by dons on March 1, 2010 | 4 comments
22. List of fallacies (wikipedia.org)
59 points by JoelMcCracken on March 1, 2010 | 23 comments
23. Pick one and own it (asmartbear.com)
56 points by terrellm on March 1, 2010 | 24 comments
24. Very Short But Amazing Speech by Coca Cola CEO Bryan Dyson (startupceo.co.za)
52 points by bluebit on March 1, 2010 | 20 comments
25. Sergey Brin's Resume Pre-Google (stanford.edu)
50 points by ashishbharthi on March 1, 2010 | 16 comments
26. Hack Hack Go (gabrielweinberg.com)
47 points by epi0Bauqu on March 1, 2010 | 21 comments
27. Can Cardpool (YC W10) Solve the Unused Gift Card Problem? (gigaom.com)
47 points by anson on March 1, 2010 | 26 comments
28. D.J. Bernstein: The Good News Archive (aaronsw.com)
44 points by absconditus on March 1, 2010 | 12 comments
29. Schema-Free MySQL vs NoSQL (igvita.com)
43 points by bdotdub on March 1, 2010 | 11 comments
30. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Patzer? A VC Perspective (firstround.com)
37 points by jkopelman on March 1, 2010 | 8 comments

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