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Stories from October 15, 2015
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1. How is NSA breaking so much crypto? (freedom-to-tinker.com)
1005 points by sohkamyung on Oct 15, 2015 | 246 comments
2. The Drone Papers (theintercept.com)
543 points by yuvadam on Oct 15, 2015 | 221 comments
3. Page Weight Matters (2012) (chriszacharias.com)
556 points by shubhamjain on Oct 15, 2015 | 165 comments
4. WebKit removes the 350ms click delay for iOS (webkit.org)
304 points by asyncwords on Oct 14, 2015 | 141 comments
5. How to know if where you live is “up and coming”: fried chicken vs. coffee shops (medium.com/sam_floy)
326 points by edward on Oct 15, 2015 | 304 comments
6. Ask HN: How to Be a Good Technical Lead?
520 points by Evgeny on Oct 15, 2015 | 174 comments
7. Default Alive or Default Dead? (paulgraham.com)
322 points by iamwil on Oct 15, 2015 | 115 comments
8. YC Continuity (blog.ycombinator.com)
316 points by dshankar on Oct 15, 2015 | 70 comments
9. The Feynman Lectures on Physics are free online (caltech.edu)
247 points by alexholehouse on Oct 14, 2015 | 20 comments
10. Data Infrastructure at IFTTT (ifttt.com)
192 points by devinfoley on Oct 15, 2015 | 22 comments
11. Medical Breakthrough in Spinal Cord Injuries Was Made by a Computer Program (fastcoexist.com)
169 points by fahimulhaq on Oct 15, 2015 | 59 comments
12. Paper is Dropbox's new vision for how teams can work together (engadget.com)
179 points by slackpad on Oct 15, 2015 | 149 comments
13. We Looked for Work as a Software Development Team (chocolatetin.org)
188 points by _0nac on Oct 15, 2015 | 44 comments
14. Decentralized Reddit using a DHT to store content and a blockchain to rank it (slideshare.net)
198 points by sktrdie on Oct 15, 2015 | 92 comments
15. Murder in the Alps (gq.com)
167 points by dogecoinbase on Oct 15, 2015 | 55 comments
16. Open Source Photography Workflow (rileybrandt.com)
162 points by macco on Oct 15, 2015 | 34 comments
17. Jack Dorsey giving up 30% of his stake in Square to help underserved communities (venturebeat.com)
143 points by richiezc on Oct 15, 2015 | 84 comments
18. How Facebook knows who you might be dating online (bbc.co.uk)
90 points by iamben on Oct 15, 2015 | 59 comments
19. Kawkab Monospaced Arabic Font (makkuk.com)
180 points by specifictso on Oct 15, 2015 | 42 comments
20. The TV antenna is making a comeback (marketplace.org)
153 points by rbc on Oct 15, 2015 | 252 comments
21. Declassified documents offer a new perspective on Yuri Gagarin’s flight (thespacereview.com)
93 points by ColinWright on Oct 14, 2015 | 18 comments
22. “Tomato” versus “#FF6347” – the tragicomic history of CSS color names (arstechnica.com)
108 points by pmcpinto on Oct 15, 2015 | 90 comments
23. Researchers Find ‘Impossible to Trace’ Spyware in 32 Countries (vice.com)
65 points by geezsundries on Oct 15, 2015 | 7 comments
24. GCHQ can monitor MPs' communications, court rules (theguardian.com)
98 points by quickfox on Oct 15, 2015 | 72 comments
25. The tantalizing links between gut microbes and the brain (nature.com)
86 points by etiam on Oct 15, 2015 | 32 comments
26. Theranos Has Struggled with Blood Tests (wsj.com)
137 points by OopsCriticality on Oct 15, 2015 | 86 comments
27. Mathematicians find 'magic key' to drive Ramanujan's taxi-cab number (esciencecommons.blogspot.ca)
78 points by ghosh on Oct 15, 2015 | 20 comments
28. ElixirConf 2015 Keynote by José Valim [video] (youtube.com)
121 points by clessg on Oct 15, 2015 | 31 comments
29. New ResearchKit Studies for Autism, Epilepsy and Melanoma (apple.com)
67 points by mrevoir on Oct 15, 2015 | 5 comments
30. Bitcoin-NG: A Secure, Faster, Better Blockchain (hackingdistributed.com)
79 points by AaronFriel on Oct 15, 2015 | 29 comments

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