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Stories from July 29, 2023
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1. Intent to approve PEP 703: making the GIL optional (python.org)
478 points by pablogsal 11 months ago | 499 comments
2. Argonne National Lab is attempting to replicate LK-99 (science.org)
337 points by carabiner 11 months ago | 201 comments
3. Show HN: Gogit – Just enough Git (in Go) to push itself to GitHub (benhoyt.com)
176 points by benhoyt 11 months ago | 73 comments
4. So you want to build your own open source chatbot (hacks.mozilla.org)
328 points by edo-codes 11 months ago | 122 comments
5. The Hacker's Dictionary (hackersdictionary.com)
174 points by derealized 11 months ago | 55 comments
6. Gzip beats BERT? Part 2: dataset issues, improved speed, and results (kenschutte.com)
248 points by JoeyBananas 11 months ago | 51 comments
7. U.S. Marine Corps Antenna Handbook (1999) [pdf] (marines.mil)
310 points by joos3 11 months ago | 87 comments
8. If we want a shift to walking we need to prioritize dignity (streets.mn)
608 points by PaulHoule 11 months ago | 688 comments
9. Open Source Outdoor Air Quality Monitor (airgradient.com)
222 points by ahaucnx 11 months ago | 96 comments
10. Universal and transferable adversarial attacks on aligned language models (llm-attacks.org)
220 points by giuliomagnifico 11 months ago | 157 comments
11. LPython: Novel, Fast, Retargetable Python Compiler (lpython.org)
265 points by fgfm 11 months ago | 100 comments
12. The bigger the interface, the weaker the abstraction (functionallyimperative.com)
97 points by zdw 11 months ago | 59 comments
13. IBM Blue Lightning: World’s Fastest 386? (2014) (os2museum.com)
142 points by WoodenChair 11 months ago | 38 comments
14. Red algae proteins grafted into tobacco double plant growth (cornell.edu)
114 points by geox 11 months ago | 75 comments
15. F# RISC-V Instruction Set formal specification (github.com/mrlsd)
134 points by mrLSD-dev 11 months ago | 42 comments
16. US Army Field Manual on Leadership (1990) [pdf] (files.wordpress.com)
224 points by jtlicardo 11 months ago | 120 comments
17. Cyberdecks (2013) (rfox.eu)
188 points by keiferski 11 months ago | 104 comments
18. What happened to Vivaldi Social? (vivaldi.net)
300 points by zhte415 11 months ago | 80 comments
19. IRC is the only viable chat protocol (2022) (koshka.love)
338 points by CHB0403085482 11 months ago | 430 comments
20. In 17th century, Leibniz dreamed of a machine that could calculate ideas (2019) (ieee.org)
152 points by MichaelMoser123 11 months ago | 51 comments
21. How fast should you accelerate your kid in math? (kidswholovemath.substack.com)
150 points by sebg 11 months ago | 291 comments
22. Tremor – The React library to build dashboards fast (tremor.so)
167 points by spansoa 11 months ago | 81 comments
23. Insect memories may not survive metamorphosis (quantamagazine.org)
162 points by pseudolus 11 months ago | 98 comments
24. Ways to shoot yourself in the foot with Redis (philbooth.me)
179 points by philbo 11 months ago | 80 comments
25. Using C++ as a scripting language, part 8 (fwsgonzo.medium.com)
134 points by fwsgonzo 11 months ago | 46 comments
26. Why is c the symbol for the speed of light? (1997) (ucr.edu)
139 points by the-mitr 11 months ago | 45 comments
27. Facebook users have less than a month to claim a piece of the $725M settlement (facebookuserprivacysettlement.com)
236 points by beatthatflight 11 months ago | 161 comments
28. The future of Clang-based tooling (trailofbits.com)
140 points by ingve 11 months ago | 26 comments
29. No-GIL mode coming for Python (lwn.net)
353 points by mappu 11 months ago | 1 comment
30. Plans develop for high-speed rail in the PNW (southseattleemerald.com)
170 points by DoreenMichele 11 months ago | 295 comments

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