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Stories from December 23, 2016
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1. LiChess: Learn from your mistakes (lichess.org)
639 points by akkartik on Dec 23, 2016 | 113 comments
2. Offline First – A Better HTML5 User Experience (joelambert.co.uk)
434 points by openmaze on Dec 23, 2016 | 144 comments
3. Show HN: Rocket – Web Framework for Rust (rocket.rs)
484 points by sbenitez on Dec 23, 2016 | 114 comments
4. Show HN: Wick – A free and open-source creation suite (wickeditor.com)
322 points by azamat-bagatov on Dec 23, 2016 | 63 comments
5. Hedge Fund Math: Heads We Win, Tails You Lose (nytimes.com)
248 points by JumpCrisscross on Dec 23, 2016 | 117 comments
6. Newest MacBook Pro is the first MacBook not recommended by Consumer Reports (businessinsider.com)
507 points by temp on Dec 23, 2016 | 424 comments
7. A homemade receiver for GPS and GLONASS satellites (hamradio.si)
215 points by brian-armstrong on Dec 23, 2016 | 48 comments
8. Uber lawsuit alleges employees were misled on equity compensation (techcrunch.com)
201 points by derwiki on Dec 22, 2016 | 111 comments
9. The Disadvantages of an Elite Education (2008) (theamericanscholar.org)
238 points by jmarbach on Dec 23, 2016 | 206 comments
10. Still no violation of Lorentz symmetry, despite strongest test yet (phys.org)
125 points by dnetesn on Dec 23, 2016 | 31 comments
11. The Minimalist Beauty of a Renaissance-Era Geometry Book (hyperallergic.com)
174 points by misnamed on Dec 23, 2016 | 17 comments
12. High-speed Wi-Fi rolls into 100th railway station in India (blog.google)
99 points by kungfudoi on Dec 23, 2016 | 54 comments
13. IQ is only a minor factor in success (bloomberg.com)
261 points by tempw on Dec 23, 2016 | 273 comments
14. Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (revolutionanalytics.com)
88 points by rasmi on Dec 23, 2016 | 4 comments
15. Gorilla: A Fast, Scalable, In-Memory Time Series Database (2015) [pdf] (vldb.org)
125 points by kiril-me on Dec 23, 2016 | 56 comments
16. The First Female Doctor in Britain Spent 56 Years Disguised as a Man (atlasobscura.com)
167 points by Petiver on Dec 23, 2016 | 73 comments
17. U.S. government begins asking foreign travelers about social media (politico.com)
203 points by obtino on Dec 23, 2016 | 181 comments
18. Building and Linking Libraries in C (swarthmore.edu)
142 points by vyuh on Dec 23, 2016 | 96 comments
19. How to query data.gov json datasets with SQL: a case study (github.com/axibase)
68 points by rodionos on Dec 22, 2016 | 1 comment
20. Show HN: Code.hackmit.org – Software for Hackathons (hackmit.org)
140 points by anishathalye on Dec 23, 2016 | 11 comments
21. Principles (principles.com)
234 points by ingve on Dec 23, 2016 | 85 comments
22. A French Grocery Chain Is Trolling Amazon Go (fastcocreate.com)
262 points by danm07 on Dec 23, 2016 | 121 comments
23. Sure, Earth Could Get Hit by a Deadly Asteroid–But There’s an Upside (smithsonianmag.com)
51 points by Mz on Dec 23, 2016 | 41 comments
24. Re: What is acceptable for -ffast-math? (2001) (gcc.gnu.org)
86 points by willvarfar on Dec 23, 2016 | 37 comments
25. Dramatically Reducing Software Vulnerabilities [pdf] (nist.gov)
77 points by neiesc on Dec 23, 2016 | 43 comments
26. Disassembly Required (hackaday.com)
48 points by ingve on Dec 23, 2016 | 7 comments
27. A flight was late because someone named their Wi-Fi hotspot ‘Galaxy Note 7’ (theverge.com)
133 points by dvichg on Dec 23, 2016 | 87 comments
28. The Anthropic Principle (2000) (sfsu.edu)
51 points by lainon on Dec 23, 2016 | 85 comments
29. Racket Language – New website design (racket-lang.org)
123 points by Learn2win on Dec 23, 2016 | 40 comments
30. Dubai Police now using Crime Prediction software (newatlas.com)
94 points by futureguy on Dec 23, 2016 | 84 comments

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