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Stories from May 5, 2010
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1. Major Facebook security hole lets you view your friends’ live chats (techcrunch.com)
301 points by bjonathan on May 5, 2010 | 61 comments
2. Scribd CTO: “We Are Scrapping Flash And Betting The Company On HTML5″ (techcrunch.com)
299 points by jasonlbaptiste on May 5, 2010 | 120 comments
3. How Dr. Seuss would prove the halting problem undecidable (umbc.edu)
249 points by raganwald on May 5, 2010 | 52 comments
4. Why Aren't There More Terrorist Attacks? (schneier.com)
215 points by billpg on May 5, 2010 | 209 comments
5. If Mario Was Designed in 2010 (hiwiller.com)
183 points by bjonathan on May 5, 2010 | 42 comments
6. Academia and the decline of wealth in America (brucejacob.tumblr.com)
166 points by asciilifeform on May 5, 2010 | 135 comments
7. Diaspora Project: Building the Anti-Facebook (readwriteweb.com)
165 points by alexandros on May 5, 2010 | 94 comments
8. How will memristors change everything? (highscalability.com)
158 points by zackham on May 5, 2010 | 55 comments
9. The Life of a Forgotten employee (shii.org)
158 points by jcslzr on May 5, 2010 | 28 comments
10. The Real Current State of Web Design (bradleyjoyce.tumblr.com)
124 points by bradleyjoyce on May 5, 2010 | 40 comments
11. How Did GM Pay Back Its Bailout So Fast? Well, It Didn't... (reason.com)
119 points by mcantor on May 5, 2010 | 62 comments
12. How to bootstrap your company to profitability (spencerfry.com)
118 points by spencerfry on May 5, 2010 | 34 comments
13. Dropbox (YC 07) announces mobile API (and apps for iPad, Android) (dropbox.com)
101 points by jrnkntl on May 5, 2010 | 20 comments
14. Why do Harvard kids head to Wall Street? (baselinescenario.com)
98 points by thesyndicate on May 5, 2010 | 103 comments
15. Zencoder (YC W10) Wants To Be The AWS Of Video Encoding (techcrunch.com)
80 points by daniel_levine on May 5, 2010 | 25 comments
16. Next thing for Ubuntu to learn (launchpad.net)
82 points by siddhant on May 5, 2010 | 33 comments
17. Web Design Trends 2010 (smashingmagazine.com)
79 points by nreece on May 5, 2010 | 15 comments
18. EFF vs. Facebook: Part 2: "Facebook's Connections" (eff.org)
76 points by bjonathan on May 5, 2010 | 24 comments
19. Why Everyone is Afraid of Apple (yahoo.com)
76 points by cryptnoob on May 5, 2010 | 80 comments
20. Microsoft Cross-browser Test Results Summary (microsoft.com)
73 points by vtail on May 5, 2010 | 82 comments
21. Academia is not Broken. We are. (curryhoward.blogspot.com)
71 points by baguasquirrel on May 5, 2010 | 67 comments
22. The Future of PostgreSQL (rhaas.blogspot.com)
70 points by sprachspiel on May 5, 2010 | 4 comments
23. Potato gun, lightning, and sonic magic: Google Chrome Speed Tests (chrome.blogspot.com)
63 points by spuz on May 5, 2010 | 20 comments
24. IPhone, Gizmodo, and moral clarity about crime (csmonitor.com)
60 points by mbateman on May 5, 2010 | 40 comments
25. /r/startups - a Reddit for startups (reddit.com)
58 points by coderdude on May 5, 2010 | 19 comments
26. A fast, fuzzy, full-text index using Redis (playnice.ly)
55 points by adamcharnock on May 5, 2010 | 18 comments
27. Wooden Half Adder (propella.blogspot.com)
54 points by chrislloyd on May 5, 2010 | 11 comments
28. RDropBox: Easy-to-use Ruby library for the official Dropbox API (rubygems.org)
51 points by thacker on May 5, 2010 | 8 comments
29. How Not to Do It: Liquid Nitrogen Tanks (corante.com)
46 points by uptheirons on May 5, 2010 | 14 comments
30. Android Tablet Crashes during Flash Demo (youtube.com)
43 points by rpledge on May 5, 2010 | 48 comments

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