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Stories from August 21, 2017
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1. Android Oreo (android.com)
778 points by axg on Aug 21, 2017 | 641 comments
2. How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine (sessionstack.com)
481 points by zlatkov on Aug 21, 2017 | 110 comments
3. Examining a vintage RAM chip, I find a counterfeit with a different die inside (righto.com)
462 points by darwhy on Aug 21, 2017 | 137 comments
4. Ellen Pao: My lawsuit failed. Others won’t (thecut.com)
682 points by gkanai on Aug 21, 2017 | 538 comments
5. Going Multi-Cloud with AWS and GCP: Lessons Learned at Scale (metamarkets.com)
229 points by jbyers on Aug 21, 2017 | 54 comments
6. Serverless Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker (alexellis.io)
247 points by alexellisuk on Aug 21, 2017 | 75 comments
7. The ‘here is’ key (cheney.net)
241 points by davecheney on Aug 21, 2017 | 54 comments
8. Analyzing Cryptocurrency Markets Using Python (patricktriest.com)
349 points by quotable_cow on Aug 21, 2017 | 52 comments
9. Brian Aldiss has died (curtisbrown.co.uk)
161 points by sohkamyung on Aug 21, 2017 | 54 comments
10. Workplace flexibility is the way to win the war for talent (venturebeat.com)
305 points by Mz on Aug 20, 2017 | 133 comments
11. A supercompiler pass for Erlang (github.com/fenollp)
152 points by bryanrasmussen on Aug 21, 2017 | 29 comments
12. Firefox 55 and Selenium IDE (seleniumhq.wordpress.com)
294 points by slgt on Aug 21, 2017 | 120 comments
13. YC Summer 2017 Stats (blog.ycombinator.com)
128 points by janober on Aug 21, 2017 | 113 comments
14. A Stroke of Genius: Striving for Greatness in All You Do (1993) (mccurley.org)
175 points by Tomte on Aug 21, 2017 | 40 comments
15. Postgres geography type is not limited to Earth (bostongis.com)
154 points by craigkerstiens on Aug 20, 2017 | 35 comments
16. Paul Miller Loved Teaching Math So Much That He Did It for Nearly 80 Years (npr.org)
116 points by happy-go-lucky on Aug 20, 2017 | 15 comments
17. Zsh Configuration from the Ground Up (zanshin.net)
133 points by pmoriarty on Aug 21, 2017 | 23 comments
18. Winning the War on Error: Solving the Halting Problem and Curing Cancer [video] (youtube.com)
99 points by cmeiklejohn on Aug 21, 2017 | 14 comments
19. Remembering Sci-Fi Pioneer Hugo Gernsback (smithsonianmag.com)
62 points by ohjeez on Aug 21, 2017 | 3 comments
20. Does the world need polymaths? (bbc.com)
142 points by gt2 on Aug 21, 2017 | 80 comments
21. Why a Dutch court stopped high school students from exchanging schools (medium.com/popular-choice)
139 points by adamnemecek on Aug 21, 2017 | 108 comments
22. A Tale of Hacking, Before the Internet Existed (01.media)
76 points by davidhbolton on Aug 19, 2017 | 20 comments
23. Experiments in NES JIT Compilation (bheisler.github.io)
71 points by david_parrott on Aug 21, 2017 | 10 comments
24. Startups should not use React (medium.com/raulk)
332 points by nbmh on Aug 20, 2017 | 168 comments
25. A Short History of Complex Numbers (2006) [pdf] (uri.edu)
73 points by eklitzke on Aug 21, 2017 | 8 comments
26. Conversational Speech Recognition System [pdf] (microsoft.com)
82 points by dsr12 on Aug 21, 2017 | 11 comments
27. Will the U.S. Ever Build Another Big Coal Plant? (scientificamerican.com)
49 points by artsandsci on Aug 21, 2017 | 47 comments
28. A Deep Dive into Qualcomm’s Centriq 2400 for Windows Server and Linux (anandtech.com)
40 points by msh on Aug 20, 2017 | 3 comments
29. Why didn't electricity immediately change manufacturing? (bbc.com)
102 points by jackgavigan on Aug 21, 2017 | 22 comments
30. The Michelson Language (michelson-lang.com)
92 points by bshanks on Aug 21, 2017 | 11 comments

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