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Stories from January 19, 2014
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1. Wozniak: “Actually, the movie was largely a lie about me” (plus.google.com)
1591 points by jamesbritt on Jan 19, 2014 | 301 comments
2. Yale censored a student's course catalog site. I made an unblockable replacement (haufler.org)
775 points by shaufler on Jan 19, 2014 | 199 comments
3. For the Love of Money (nytimes.com)
576 points by _ntka on Jan 19, 2014 | 274 comments
4. How Radians Work in 30 Seconds (googleusercontent.com)
474 points by _pius on Jan 19, 2014 | 100 comments
5. Asciiflow (asciiflow.com)
321 points by giis on Jan 19, 2014 | 69 comments
6. Python and Flask Are Powerful (jeffknupp.com)
260 points by nichochar on Jan 19, 2014 | 75 comments
7. FreeBSD 10.0 is here (freebsd.org)
235 points by sydney6 on Jan 19, 2014 | 116 comments
8. Your most important skill: Empathy (chadfowler.com)
203 points by chadfowler on Jan 19, 2014 | 53 comments
9. What Happens When the Poor Receive a Stipend? (nytimes.com)
181 points by MaysonL on Jan 19, 2014 | 154 comments
10. Cities and Ambition (2008) (paulgraham.com)
185 points by joelrunyon on Jan 19, 2014 | 124 comments
11. Why Does A Good Kettle Cost $90+? (chewxy.com)
176 points by boyter on Jan 19, 2014 | 238 comments
12. Hoplon: A Simpler Way to Program the Web (hoplon.io)
161 points by johnwalker on Jan 19, 2014 | 49 comments
13. Ask HN: What are the most inspirational blog posts you've ever read?
148 points by fromdoon on Jan 19, 2014 | 58 comments
14. Feedly Found a New Way to Steal Page Views From Publishers (the-digital-reader.com)
144 points by user_666 on Jan 19, 2014 | 60 comments
15. Bitcoin 2.0 explained (yahoo.com)
137 points by hansy on Jan 19, 2014 | 65 comments
16. Forget Setting Goals. Focus on Systems Instead (entrepreneur.com)
123 points by rukshn on Jan 19, 2014 | 57 comments
17. Lisp: More is less (jameso.be)
113 points by jobeirne on Jan 19, 2014 | 118 comments
18. Three Myths on the World's Poor (wsj.com)
108 points by tokenadult on Jan 19, 2014 | 37 comments
19. Ask HN: I want to learn how to prototype hardware. Where do I start?
108 points by allsystemsgo on Jan 19, 2014 | 36 comments
20. How Jason Bourne Stores His Bitcoin (maxtaco.github.io)
107 points by sillysaurus2 on Jan 19, 2014 | 49 comments
21. Elites embrace “do what you love” mantra. But it devalues work & hurts workers (slate.com)
101 points by RougeFemme on Jan 19, 2014 | 81 comments
22. Renting vs. buying a home (khanacademy.org)
88 points by dctoedt on Jan 19, 2014 | 150 comments
23. Peelian Principles (wikipedia.org)
83 points by cstross on Jan 19, 2014 | 47 comments
24. A Peek at Emacs 24.4: Auto-indentation by Default (emacsredux.com)
82 points by mjn on Jan 19, 2014 | 34 comments
25. Windows Chrome, why do my fonts look so bad? (greens.io)
82 points by JustResign on Jan 19, 2014 | 56 comments
26. Anatomy of a Program in Memory (duartes.org)
81 points by rikelmens on Jan 19, 2014 | 5 comments
27. Ingredients of an All-Natural Banana (jameskennedymonash.wordpress.com)
68 points by joosters on Jan 19, 2014 | 46 comments
28. Orbit.js – A standalone library for data access and synchronization (github.com/cerebris)
72 points by jauco on Jan 19, 2014 | 12 comments
29. Nagios-plugins web site taken over by Nagios (redhat.com)
66 points by juice13 on Jan 19, 2014 | 25 comments
30. Sneak into tech through the back door: a hopelessly limited how-to (danilocampos.com)
67 points by bmmayer1 on Jan 19, 2014 | 19 comments

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