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Stories from January 30, 2015
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1. Signing in to websites with SSH (vtllf.org)
382 points by blfr on Jan 30, 2015 | 161 comments
2. Sandstorm – An open source platform for personal servers (sandstorm.io)
509 points by reinhardt1053 on Jan 30, 2015 | 184 comments
3. EFF Wins Battle Over Secret Legal Opinions on Government Spying (eff.org)
582 points by declan on Jan 29, 2015 | 64 comments
4. RethinkDB 1.16: cluster management API, realtime push (rethinkdb.com)
251 points by coffeemug on Jan 30, 2015 | 81 comments
5. Cultivated Disinterest in Professional Sports (mako.cc)
344 points by luu on Jan 30, 2015 | 488 comments
6. The Internet of Gas Station Tank Gauges (rapid7.com)
157 points by fla on Jan 30, 2015 | 82 comments
7. Show HN: Primrose – a text editor that runs in a WebGL texture (primroseeditor.com)
203 points by moron4hire on Jan 30, 2015 | 104 comments
8. An Introduction to Computer Networks (luc.edu)
169 points by blueatlas on Jan 30, 2015 | 18 comments
9. NYC Space/Time Directory (nypl.org)
163 points by jcolman on Jan 30, 2015 | 9 comments
10. Show HN: A minimal C runtime for Linux i386 and x86_64 in 87 SLOC of C (github.com/lpsantil)
172 points by oso2k on Jan 30, 2015 | 54 comments
11. Ask HN: I got let go this morning. What should I do next?
215 points by thecolorblue on Jan 30, 2015 | 200 comments
12. I feel like a fraud and that’s a good thing (medium.com/codepo8)
177 points by robin_reala on Jan 30, 2015 | 56 comments
13. Replace CoffeeScript with ES6 (thoughtbot.com)
351 points by Croaky on Jan 30, 2015 | 168 comments
14. Surviving Data Science at the Speed of Hype (john-foreman.com)
224 points by mistermcgruff on Jan 30, 2015 | 43 comments
15. Computational Geometry in Python (blancosilva.github.io)
113 points by ics on Jan 30, 2015 | 14 comments
16. AOL To Lay Off 150 People, Mostly In Sales; Folding Joystiq, TUAW Into Engadget (techcrunch.com)
91 points by uptown on Jan 30, 2015 | 39 comments
17. Finnish phoenix: The startups rising from Nokia's ashes (bbc.com)
115 points by InternetGiant on Jan 30, 2015 | 10 comments
18. Long Live Grim Fandango (longreads.com)
182 points by aaronbrethorst on Jan 29, 2015 | 76 comments
19. Covering parking lots with solar panels (washingtonpost.com)
111 points by zonotope on Jan 30, 2015 | 63 comments
20. A new wave of videogames offers lessons in powerlessness, scarcity and failure (aeon.co)
97 points by cindyceleste on Jan 30, 2015 | 43 comments
21. Air-Gapped Computers Can Be Compromised Using EM Side-Channel Attacks (tripwire.com)
93 points by infosecbuzz on Jan 30, 2015 | 30 comments
22. China’s Pearl River Delta overtakes Tokyo as world’s largest megacity (theguardian.com)
80 points by protomyth on Jan 30, 2015 | 44 comments
23. Salters Duck (wikipedia.org)
84 points by atilev on Jan 30, 2015 | 39 comments
24. A Deep Dive on React Native [video] (youtube.com)
199 points by arasmussen on Jan 29, 2015 | 67 comments
25. A man who studies everyday evil (bbc.com)
89 points by d_a_robson on Jan 30, 2015 | 27 comments
26. Use Haskell for shell scripting (haskellforall.com)
217 points by stefans on Jan 30, 2015 | 103 comments
27. Can Students Have Too Much Tech? (nytimes.com)
62 points by cindyceleste on Jan 30, 2015 | 28 comments
28. Reviews for Heroku add-ons (orankl.com)
67 points by joaobatalha on Jan 30, 2015 | 23 comments
29. Uber Expectations as We Grow (uber.com)
62 points by gwintrob on Jan 30, 2015 | 29 comments
30. Open letter to German readers: What you were never told about Greece (syriza.net.gr)
261 points by sjcsjc on Jan 30, 2015 | 240 comments

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