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Stories from February 5, 2018
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1. Modern CSS Explained (medium.com/actualize-network)
762 points by TiredOfLife on Feb 5, 2018 | 137 comments
2. U.S. consumer protection official puts Equifax probe on ice (reuters.com)
739 points by chatmasta on Feb 5, 2018 | 375 comments
3. 50 Years of Art Books from the Met, for Free Download (metmuseum.org)
450 points by brudgers on Feb 4, 2018 | 38 comments
4. 3D Color Print (hp.com)
334 points by zwieback on Feb 5, 2018 | 139 comments
5. Cloudflare Terminates Service to Sci-Hub Domain Names (torrentfreak.com)
415 points by jakobdabo on Feb 5, 2018 | 218 comments
6. LLVM for Grad Students (2015) (cornell.edu)
269 points by onderkalaci on Feb 4, 2018 | 28 comments
7. Automerge: JSON-like data structure for building collaborative apps (github.com/automerge)
409 points by goblin89 on Feb 5, 2018 | 98 comments
8. A Company That Tears Cars Apart to Find Out How They're Built (jalopnik.com)
285 points by dmmalam on Feb 4, 2018 | 128 comments
9. A C89 compiler that produces executables that are also valid ASCII text files [pdf] (cmu.edu)
323 points by luu on Feb 5, 2018 | 67 comments
10. Migrating to Python 3 with pleasure (github.com/arogozhnikov)
320 points by arogozhnikov on Feb 4, 2018 | 176 comments
11. Intel made smart glasses that look normal (theverge.com)
440 points by dphnx on Feb 5, 2018 | 257 comments
12. OpenSC2K – An Open Source Remake of SimCity 2000 (github.com/rage8885)
294 points by LeoPanthera on Feb 5, 2018 | 126 comments
13. CRPG Book Released (crpgbook.wordpress.com)
292 points by felipepepe on Feb 5, 2018 | 61 comments
14. Show HN: Algebraic Number Theory in Python 3 (github.com/louisabraham)
157 points by Labo333 on Feb 5, 2018 | 26 comments
15. HappyOrNot terminals look simple, but the information they gather is revelatory (newyorker.com)
205 points by aarghh on Feb 4, 2018 | 117 comments
16. StarCraft: Remastered – Emulating a buffer overflow for fun and profit [pdf] (0xeb.net)
249 points by jsnell on Feb 5, 2018 | 33 comments
17. An ‘Iceberg’ of Unseen Crimes: Many Cyber Offenses Go Unreported (nytimes.com)
114 points by ganlad on Feb 5, 2018 | 49 comments
18. Ten Years of Instapaper (instapaper.com)
150 points by riqbal on Feb 4, 2018 | 66 comments
19. Apple Music on Track to Overtake Spotify in U.S. Subscribers (wsj.com)
160 points by srameshc on Feb 5, 2018 | 251 comments
20. Meltdown-Spectre: Malware is already being tested by attackers (zdnet.com)
145 points by okket on Feb 4, 2018 | 47 comments
21. Pivot – Rows to Columns (modern-sql.com)
145 points by mooreds on Feb 5, 2018 | 40 comments
22. Imaging Without Lenses (americanscientist.org)
154 points by Gatsky on Feb 4, 2018 | 25 comments
23. Three Meanings of E=mc² (medium.com/starts-with-a-bang)
149 points by LisaDziuba on Feb 4, 2018 | 74 comments
24. Return type polymorphism in Haskell (thegreenplace.net)
116 points by osopanda on Feb 1, 2018 | 72 comments
25. Mark – A simple and unified notation for both object and markup data (github.com/henry-luo)
158 points by henryluo on Feb 5, 2018 | 169 comments
26. Show HN: A Tetris clone written in ES6 using React (joshbassett.info)
76 points by nullobject on Feb 4, 2018 | 26 comments
27. Dow plunges 1000 points (cnbc.com)
330 points by coloneltcb on Feb 5, 2018 | 349 comments
28. How I sold my stock options (segah.me)
102 points by hannaysteve on Feb 5, 2018 | 45 comments
29. The Engineering of the Drinking Bird Toy [video] (youtube.com)
125 points by shawndumas on Feb 4, 2018 | 6 comments
30. The Berlin Wall has now been down longer than it was up (economist.com)
250 points by mpweiher on Feb 5, 2018 | 49 comments

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