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Stories from June 15, 2008
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1. Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol (timesonline.co.uk)
46 points by prakash on June 15, 2008 | 12 comments
2. Don't go dark (codinghorror.com)
45 points by bdfh42 on June 15, 2008 | 9 comments
3. Rhinos and Tigers (steve-yegge.blogspot.com)
42 points by mqt on June 15, 2008 | 29 comments
4. What is it like to write a technical book? (xaprb.com)
34 points by soundsop on June 15, 2008 | 5 comments
5. Scientists create bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol (timesonline.co.uk)
30 points by chaostheory on June 15, 2008 | 6 comments
6. The argument against "downvote". A slight violation of the First Amendment
24 points by rokhayakebe on June 15, 2008 | 56 comments
7. Why giving poor kids laptops doesn't improve their scholastic performance (slate.com)
22 points by robg on June 15, 2008 | 24 comments
8. Firefox 3 Brings Ugliness to the Mac (sanneblad.se)
22 points by jacobbijani on June 15, 2008 | 41 comments
9. Working Productively in Bash’s Vi Command Line Editing Mode (with Cheat Sheet) (catonmat.net)
21 points by apu on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
10. Next Generation Wind Turbine Breaks $1/Watt Barrier (solveclimate.com)
18 points by sah on June 15, 2008 | 3 comments
11. Cocoa for Windows + Flash Killer = SproutCore (roughlydrafted.com)
17 points by markbao on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
12. Support grows for universal power adapter (thestandard.com)
17 points by ilamont on June 15, 2008 | 6 comments
13. Why We Love Email from Amazon and Hate Email from Barnes & Noble (jondale.com)
16 points by wumi on June 15, 2008 | 13 comments
14. Oh Jerry, It [Yahoo!] is No Longer Your Baby! (nytimes.com)
15 points by ComputerGuru on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
15. Spore Leaked And Being Broadcast Live (Web 2 + Gaming) (ustream.tv)
14 points by jasonlbaptiste on June 15, 2008 | 3 comments
16. F|R Crib Sheet: How to Source Good Offshore Developers (gigaom.com)
13 points by naish on June 15, 2008 | 13 comments
17. Why Disqus Is Winning the Web Comment Battles, and What's Next (louisgray.com)
13 points by bootload on June 15, 2008 | 23 comments
18. Who is The Next Yahoo! Ceo? (techcrunch.com)
11 points by jasonlbaptiste on June 15, 2008 | 1 comment
19. Google I/O 2008 - Python, Django, and App Engine (Video) (youtube.com)
11 points by wave on June 15, 2008 | 1 comment
20. Dubai Tower generating 10x more energy than required to power it (designgeist.org)
10 points by themichael on June 15, 2008 | 11 comments
21. The Heart of Silicon Valley (1997) (cnn.com)
10 points by byrneseyeview on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
22. Going Dark (a response to Jeff Atwood) (rommelhok.com)
8 points by mtts on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
23. Are we aliens? (badastronomy.com)
7 points by sah on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
24. As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation (u-tokyo.ac.jp)
7 points by bootload on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
25. Retrain Your Brain (rd.com)
7 points by edw519 on June 15, 2008 | 1 comment
26. Arrington Talks Yahoo/Google/Microsoft On NBC (techcrunch.com)
6 points by jmorin007 on June 15, 2008 | 1 comment
27. Venture Capital, Angels or Bootstrap? (gigaom.com)
6 points by drm237 on June 15, 2008 | 3 comments
28. Vulnerabilities in Fully Patched Vim 7.1 (rdancer.org)
5 points by luckystrike on June 15, 2008
29. Open source project management app hits 500K downloads (linux.com)
5 points by markbao on June 15, 2008 | 2 comments
30. Ask HN: Freelance graphic design
5 points by theyoungceo on June 15, 2008 | 5 comments

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