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Conway's Law (ncatlab.org)
1 point by todsacerdoti 8 days ago | past | discuss
Empty Set (ncatlab.org)
1 point by yamrzou 10 days ago | past | discuss
The mathematical red herring principle (ncatlab.org)
2 points by lmh 4 months ago | past | 1 comment
Standard Conjectures on Algebraic Cycles (ncatlab.org)
1 point by gone35 5 months ago | past
Total Functional Programming (2004) [pdf] (ncatlab.org)
89 points by leonidasv 6 months ago | past | 99 comments
Type Theory (ncatlab.org)
3 points by sargstuff on July 17, 2023 | past
NLab – collaborative work on Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy (ncatlab.org)
4 points by andsoitis on June 28, 2023 | past
Entanglement of Sections (ncatlab.org)
1 point by gone35 on May 23, 2023 | past | 1 comment
NLab: The Category Theory Wiki (ncatlab.org)
1 point by cdwhite on April 2, 2023 | past
Is probability theory a branch of mathematics? (ncatlab.org)
3 points by throwaway81523 on Nov 27, 2022 | past
Computable Physics (Nlab) (ncatlab.org)
2 points by hackandthink on Oct 29, 2022 | past
Löb's Theorem (ncatlab.org)
2 points by isaac21259 on June 2, 2022 | past
Web-Based Proof Assistant (ncatlab.org)
3 points by jonnybgood on Oct 5, 2021 | past
Generalized The (ncatlab.org)
4 points by todsacerdoti on Sept 2, 2021 | past
Catabase: A Database of Categories (ncatlab.org)
3 points by todsacerdoti on Sept 1, 2021 | past | 1 comment
Too Simple to Be Simple (ncatlab.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on July 1, 2021 | past
Hegelian Taco (2020) (ncatlab.org)
1 point by zbentley on June 27, 2021 | past
DisCoPy: Tool box for computing with monoidal categories (ncatlab.org)
1 point by primroot on Dec 21, 2020 | past
Centipede Mathematics (ncatlab.org)
1 point by tate on Nov 18, 2020 | past
Math Blogs (ncatlab.org)
1 point by VitalyAnkh on Aug 20, 2020 | past
Computational Trinitarianism (ncatlab.org)
3 points by Nesco on June 24, 2020 | past
NLab is a wiki from the perspective of category theory (ncatlab.org)
4 points by ahane on Jan 25, 2020 | past
Total Functional Programming (2004) [pdf] (ncatlab.org)
1 point by leonidasv on Dec 12, 2019 | past
Intuitions about Cohomology (ncatlab.org)
2 points by jessup on March 20, 2019 | past
Comprehending Monads [pdf] (ncatlab.org)
1 point by happy-go-lucky on May 31, 2017 | past
Computational trinitarianism (ncatlab.org)
2 points by pizza on Feb 11, 2017 | past
Higher category theory and physics (ncatlab.org)
1 point by setra on Jan 12, 2017 | past
nLab (ncatlab.org)
3 points by espeed on Dec 28, 2016 | past
Science of Logic (nLab) (ncatlab.org)
1 point by jonsterling on Dec 4, 2016 | past
The nLab (ncatlab.org)
1 point by licorna on Nov 13, 2016 | past

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