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The Lacking Wisdom of Crowds (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
2 points by jorgenveisdal on Sept 18, 2020 | past
The Riemann Hypothesis Explained (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
3 points by ColinWright on Feb 9, 2020 | past
Event-driven investments, inflection points and how I made 32x in two weeks (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
1 point by agiri on July 15, 2019 | past
Event-driven investments, inflection points –.how I made 32x my money (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
2 points by jorgevei on March 14, 2019 | past
Event-driven investments, inflection points and how I made 3263.64% in a month (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
2 points by pleko on Feb 2, 2019 | past
The Big Short, inflection points and nature of event-driven investing (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
1 point by psvidler on Jan 26, 2019 | past
What the Big Short taught me about event-driven investing (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
2 points by agiri on Jan 25, 2019 | past
Event-driven investing: How I made 33x my money in two weeks (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
20 points by jorgenveisdal on Oct 12, 2018 | past | 4 comments
Event-driven investing: How I made 33x my money in two weeks (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
2 points by jorgevei on Oct 10, 2018 | past
The Riemann Hypothesis, explained (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
191 points by jorgevei on Sept 29, 2018 | past | 26 comments
How to create a Time Magazine-style portrait using your iPhone (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
2 points by jorgenveisdal on March 29, 2017 | past
I bought some call options and they appreciated 3309% (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
47 points by jorgenveisdal on Jan 12, 2017 | past | 15 comments
Event-driven investing, inflection points and how I made 33x my money in 2 weeks (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
9 points by ot on Jan 8, 2017 | past
The Riemann Hypothesis, explained (medium.com/jorgenveisdal)
309 points by seycombi on Jan 7, 2017 | past | 61 comments

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