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Support WASIX in Zig Lang (github.com/wasmerio)
4 points by syrusakbary 9 months ago | past | 4 comments
Kernel-WASM: Sandboxed kernel mode WebAssembly runtime for Linux (github.com/wasmerio)
103 points by nateb2022 on Jan 21, 2023 | past | 83 comments
Wasmer Python (github.com/wasmerio)
2 points by tosh on Sept 13, 2021 | past
Wasmer Python (github.com/wasmerio)
3 points by tosh on May 1, 2021 | past
Wasmer: Lightweight Containers Based on WebAssembly (github.com/wasmerio)
3 points by tosh on Jan 9, 2021 | past
WebAssembly Runtime for Python (github.com/wasmerio)
2 points by tomrod on Sept 29, 2020 | past
Postgres-ext-WASM: Postgres library to run WebAssembly binaries (github.com/wasmerio)
2 points by olalonde on April 22, 2020 | past
WebAssembly in the Linux Kernel, with Faster-Than-Native Performance (github.com/wasmerio)
34 points by k__ on Feb 25, 2020 | past | 14 comments
Show HN: Wasmer – A Go library for executing WebAssembly binaries (github.com/wasmerio)
44 points by syrusakbary on May 30, 2019 | past | 20 comments
Wasmer: A Python library for executing WebAssembly binaries (github.com/wasmerio)
167 points by pplonski86 on April 16, 2019 | past | 21 comments
Universal Binaries Using WASM (github.com/wasmerio)
335 points by grey-area on Feb 26, 2019 | past | 229 comments
Universal Binaries with WebAssembly (github.com/wasmerio)
1 point by childintime on Feb 20, 2019 | past
[Archived] Show HN: Wasmer – Universal Binaries Powered by WebAssembly (github.com/wasmerio)
8 points by syrusakbary on Dec 11, 2018 | past | 4 comments

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