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SeleniumBase: Python APIs for web automation and bypassing bot-detection (github.com/seleniumbase)
177 points by seleniumbase 9 days ago | past | 67 comments
SeleniumBase / Playwright, Selenium, Pupeteer automation alternative (github.com/seleniumbase)
3 points by lobochrome 58 days ago | past
SeleniumBase lets you load JavaScript packages into any website (github.com/seleniumbase)
5 points by seleniumbase on Aug 5, 2020 | past
Generating HTML charts with Python and Highcharts (github.com/seleniumbase)
3 points by seleniumbase on July 30, 2020 | past
Creating HTML presentations using Python (github.com/seleniumbase)
3 points by seleniumbase on June 29, 2020 | past
Using Python and Selenium for mobile-device testing on Chromium-based browsers (github.com/seleniumbase)
7 points by seleniumbase on May 25, 2020 | past
Using Python to load JavaScript packages into any website via browser automation (github.com/seleniumbase)
6 points by seleniumbase on May 25, 2020 | past | 2 comments
A JavaScript package manager for loading any library into any website (github.com/seleniumbase)
3 points by seleniumbase on May 25, 2020 | past | 1 comment
Running browser-based test automation with GitHub Workflows (github.com/seleniumbase)
4 points by seleniumbase on Feb 11, 2020 | past
Using Python and Selenium for automated visual regression testing (github.com/seleniumbase)
125 points by seleniumbase on Feb 11, 2020 | past | 40 comments
Building a browser-based test automation server with Jenkins on Azure (github.com/seleniumbase)
2 points by mintzworld on Nov 12, 2019 | past
Using Python to generate JavaScript for creating interactive website tours (github.com/seleniumbase)
84 points by seleniumbase on Nov 12, 2019 | past | 16 comments
Running browser-based test automation with Azure Pipelines by using SeleniumBase (github.com/seleniumbase)
3 points by seleniumbase on Nov 12, 2019 | past
Building a browser-based test automation server on the Google Cloud Platform (github.com/seleniumbase)
86 points by seleniumbase on July 30, 2016 | past | 11 comments
(GitHub) Google Cloud Platform for building a web automation cloud (github.com/seleniumbase)
8 points by mintzworld on July 29, 2016 | past
A simple way to run browser automation in a Docker container using SeleniumBase (github.com/seleniumbase)
2 points by seleniumbase on July 23, 2016 | past
SeleniumBase: A flexible web automation platform that's easy to use (github.com/seleniumbase)
3 points by mintzworld on July 23, 2016 | past

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