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Multiplication with Optimal β-Reduction (github.com/maiavictor)
2 points by LightMachine on Aug 14, 2020 | past
Multiplication with Optimal β-Reduction (github.com/maiavictor)
1 point by LightMachine on Aug 14, 2020 | past
Show HN: Navim browses files on the terminal with minimal amount of keystrokes (github.com/maiavictor)
1 point by LightMachine on June 16, 2020 | past
Quantum-proof small (768-bit) signatures for 1-bit messages (github.com/maiavictor)
3 points by LightMachine on March 11, 2020 | past
Bitspeak converts hex strings to pronounceable words (github.com/maiavictor)
2 points by LightMachine on Nov 16, 2019 | past | 1 comment
Formality: An efficient programming language and proof assistant (github.com/maiavictor)
3 points by somedudeatwork on Oct 19, 2018 | past
Formality – An efficient programming language and proof assistant (github.com/maiavictor)
102 points by maiavictor on Oct 16, 2018 | past | 23 comments
Show HN: Abstract Calculus, a massively parallel model of computation (github.com/maiavictor)
5 points by maiavictor on Aug 28, 2018 | past
“Turns out the Y-combinator has a normal form, surprisingly.” (github.com/maiavictor)
2 points by LightMachine on May 5, 2018 | past
Supercompilation for free with the abstract algorithm (github.com/maiavictor)
3 points by LightMachine on April 13, 2018 | past
Theorem proving VS testing (with a simple example) (github.com/maiavictor)
1 point by LightMachine on March 22, 2018 | past
The oracle-free fragment of Lamping's algorithm can evaluate all λ-terms (github.com/maiavictor)
6 points by LightMachine on July 30, 2017 | past
Lamping's Abstract Algorithm (github.com/maiavictor)
2 points by LightMachine on July 25, 2017 | past
Show HN: Moon, an universal code-interchange format (github.com/maiavictor)
11 points by LightMachine on July 14, 2017 | past | 8 comments
Show HN: Nano-JSON-stream-parser, a 750 bytes streamed JSON parser (github.com/maiavictor)
6 points by LightMachine on April 30, 2017 | past
Forall.js: Idris-like static types and invariant checks for JavaScript (github.com/maiavictor)
63 points by LightMachine on April 21, 2017 | past | 17 comments
Show HN: Drop-in, expressive static type and invariant checks for JavaScript (github.com/maiavictor)
3 points by LightMachine on April 21, 2017 | past
Massively parallel GPU programming on JavaScript made simple and clean (github.com/maiavictor)
3 points by hitr on Aug 28, 2016 | past
WebMonkeys: a simple, straightforward lib for GPU programming on JavaScript (github.com/maiavictor)
1 point by LightMachine on Aug 22, 2016 | past
PureState.js, the stupidiest state management library that works (github.com/maiavictor)
2 points by LightMachine on March 9, 2016 | past | 1 comment
Show HN: LJSON: JSON extended with pure functions (github.com/maiavictor)
39 points by LightMachine on Oct 13, 2015 | past | 17 comments
Show HN: Caramel – a modern syntax for the lambda calculus (github.com/maiavictor)
130 points by LightMachine on Sept 27, 2015 | past | 22 comments

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