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Knitty: Jupyter power in plain Python/Julia/R/other in a Pandoc filter (github.com/kiwi0fruit)
3 points by kiwi0fruit on March 11, 2019 | past
Py Shortcutter: Easy cross-platform shortcuts support. virtual and Anaconda envs (github.com/kiwi0fruit)
1 point by kiwi0fruit on June 15, 2018 | past
Show HN: SugarTeX – readable LaTeX language extension and transcompiler to LaTeX (github.com/kiwi0fruit)
53 points by kiwi0fruit on May 28, 2018 | past | 49 comments
Convenient and tweakable Atom+Markdown+Pandoc+Jupyter experience, exportipynb (github.com/kiwi0fruit)
1 point by kiwi0fruit on May 28, 2018 | past | 1 comment

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