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Archimedes – C++20 reflection via code generation (github.com/jdah)
1 point by guruprasadah 4 months ago | past
Doomenstein-3D – Wolfenstein/DOOM style software renderers (github.com/jdah)
2 points by nkanaev 11 months ago | past
Archimedes – C++ reflection via code generation (github.com/jdah)
5 points by Krontab on Oct 22, 2022 | past | 1 comment
An 8-bit minicomputer with a fully custom architecture (github.com/jdah)
82 points by tirrex on Dec 10, 2021 | past | 31 comments
Minecraft, but I made it in 48 hours (github.com/jdah)
2 points by tirrex on Nov 1, 2021 | past
Tetris-OS: An operating system that only plays Tetris (github.com/jdah)
314 points by cconger on April 21, 2021 | past | 122 comments
Minecraft, but I made it in 48 hours (github.com/jdah)
3 points by jmacjmac on Feb 22, 2021 | past

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