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Catching SQL errors at build time (github.com/houqp)
108 points by houqp on Jan 12, 2020 | past | 35 comments
Show HN: Sqlvet – static analysis on raw SQL queries in your Go codebase (github.com/houqp)
2 points by ReDeiPirati on Jan 9, 2020 | past
Show HN: Go Fearless SQL (github.com/houqp)
3 points by houqp on Jan 8, 2020 | past
Show HN: Setup, teardown and fixtures for Go tests (github.com/houqp)
2 points by houqp on Dec 19, 2019 | past
Lightweight Go test framework inspired by pytest (github.com/houqp)
2 points by houqp on Dec 12, 2019 | past
Productive and Safe Rust Binding for OCR (github.com/houqp)
17 points by theopsguy on Nov 9, 2019 | past | 4 comments
Much easier shell command piping in Python (github.com/houqp)
4 points by samuell on May 7, 2014 | past | 2 comments

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