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Hasura V3 Engine is in alpha (github.com/hasura)
1 point by tristenharr 6 months ago | past
Show HN: Pod42 – Async Discord bot for docs on ChatGPT (github.com/hasura)
2 points by Who828 on March 4, 2023 | past
Streaming data in Postgres to 1M clients with GraphQL (github.com/hasura)
192 points by tango12 on Oct 16, 2022 | past | 73 comments
Show HN: Instant streaming GraphQL APIs with built-in authorization for Postgres (github.com/hasura)
4 points by praveenweb on Oct 13, 2022 | past
Show HN: Instant streaming GraphQL APIs with built-in authorization for Postgres (github.com/hasura)
5 points by praveenweb on Oct 10, 2022 | past
GraphQL streaming API with built-in authorization for Postgres (github.com/hasura)
3 points by tango12 on Oct 3, 2022 | past
Show HN: Instant streaming GraphQL APIs with built-in authorization for Postgres (github.com/hasura)
6 points by wawhal on Sept 30, 2022 | past | 1 comment
Show HN: Instant streaming GraphQL APIs with built-in authorization for Postgres (github.com/hasura)
6 points by tango12 on Sept 29, 2022 | past
Instant streaming APIs with built-in authorization for new or existing Postgres (github.com/hasura)
3 points by wawhal on Sept 6, 2022 | past
Hasura/kriti-lang: A minimal JSON templating language (github.com/hasura)
1 point by yewenjie on May 15, 2022 | past
Hasura v2.1.0 – Transform Any HTTP REST API to GraphQL (github.com/hasura)
2 points by praveenweb on Dec 22, 2021 | past
Hasura GraphQL Engine v2.1.0 – Transform Any HTTP REST API to GraphQL (github.com/hasura)
1 point by praveenweb on Dec 15, 2021 | past
GraphQL Reference App Using Next.js/Postgres/TypeScript/Stripe/Hasura (github.com/hasura)
2 points by gavinray on July 30, 2021 | past
Hasura GraphQL Engine 2.0 (github.com/hasura)
95 points by stevefan1999 on June 23, 2021 | past | 47 comments
Hasura GraphQL Engine and SQL Server (github.com/hasura)
182 points by tango12 on June 18, 2021 | past | 83 comments
Graphqurl: Curl for GraphQL, with Autocomplete and Subscriptions (github.com/hasura)
127 points by jaredwiener on Jan 5, 2021 | past | 8 comments
HTTPS over Nginx reverse proxy is 50-300x slower (github.com/hasura)
6 points by johnx123-up on Dec 4, 2020 | past
eff – screaming fast extensible effects for less (Haskell) (github.com/hasura)
5 points by tosh on Sept 12, 2020 | past
Hasura GraphQL Engine v1.2 release (github.com/hasura)
6 points by tango12 on April 30, 2020 | past
It never makes sense to use foldl on lists in Haskell (2019) (github.com/hasura)
171 points by tirumaraiselvan on March 19, 2020 | past | 130 comments
Lazy evaluation in Haskell: foldl vs. foldr (github.com/hasura)
4 points by tirumaraiselvan on March 5, 2020 | past
Show HN: Gatsby-Gitbook-Starter: Build modern documentation websites using MDX (github.com/hasura)
28 points by praveenweb on June 7, 2019 | past | 3 comments
Scaling to 1M active GraphQL subscriptions on Postgres (github.com/hasura)
353 points by tango12 on May 31, 2019 | past | 80 comments
Scaling to 1M active GraphQL subscriptions on Postgres (github.com/hasura)
3 points by tango12 on May 27, 2019 | past
Scaling to 1M active GraphQL subscriptions on Postgres (github.com/hasura)
6 points by tango12 on May 23, 2019 | past
Show HN: Graphql2chartjs: Realtime Charts Made Easy with GraphQL and ChartJS (github.com/hasura)
96 points by wawhal on March 14, 2019 | past | 8 comments
Show HN: Json2graphql – From a JSON file to Postgres-backed realtime GraphQL (github.com/hasura)
120 points by wawhal on Jan 17, 2019 | past | 40 comments
Show HN: Json2graphql: From a JSON file to postgres-backed realtime GraphQL (github.com/hasura)
3 points by wawhal on Jan 15, 2019 | past
Awesome Vue GraphQL: A Collection of Resources for Vue.js and GraphQL (github.com/hasura)
4 points by praveenweb on Dec 11, 2018 | past
3factor app with example (github.com/hasura)
2 points by rayraegah on Dec 4, 2018 | past

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