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Show HN: sbctl – Secure Boot key manager (github.com/foxboron)
57 points by Foxboron 8 months ago | past | 3 comments
Show HN: ssh-tpm-agent – SSH agent for TPMs (github.com/foxboron)
86 points by Foxboron 11 months ago | past | 38 comments
Show HN: Release 0.8 of sbctl, Secure Boot key manager (github.com/foxboron)
7 points by Foxboron on Dec 18, 2021 | past
Show HN: sbctl – Secure Boot key manager (github.com/foxboron)
3 points by Foxboron on Nov 12, 2020 | past
Show HN: sbctl – Secure Boot key manager (github.com/foxboron)
2 points by Foxboron on May 29, 2020 | past
Show HN: HyREPL, Hylang nrepl server (github.com/foxboron)
46 points by Foxboron on July 11, 2015 | past | 7 comments

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