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Show HN: Open source realtime IoT platform (github.com/daraosn)
16 points by daraosn on May 21, 2016 | past | 2 comments
Hapi.js REST methods plugin (github.com/daraosn)
3 points by daraosn on April 13, 2016 | past
OculusDrone: open source Oculus Rift + AR Drone 2.0 controller (github.com/daraosn)
3 points by daraosn on April 7, 2014 | past
AR Drone controller using RubyMotion (github.com/daraosn)
1 point by daraosn on April 2, 2013 | past | 2 comments
WPA2 support for the AR.Drone (github.com/daraosn)
1 point by daraosn on March 24, 2013 | past
IOS Camera streaming into HTML5 canvas (Cordova Plugin) (github.com/daraosn)
1 point by daraosn on Dec 29, 2012 | past
Node-zip zip/unzip files on node.js (w/compression) (github.com/daraosn)
2 points by daraosn on April 29, 2012 | past
Node-zip compress/uncompress files (ported from JSZip) (github.com/daraosn)
1 point by daraosn on April 29, 2012 | past
Show HN: Run your own Push/Pull service for free using node.js + socket.io (github.com/daraosn)
37 points by daraosn on April 10, 2012 | past | 34 comments

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