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OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body estimation (github.com/cmu-perceptual-computing-lab)
98 points by Memosyne on May 9, 2020 | past | 12 comments
OpenPose – Real-Time Multi-Person Detection System (github.com/cmu-perceptual-computing-lab)
2 points by pooya13 on May 18, 2019 | past
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person body, face, and hands estimation (github.com/cmu-perceptual-computing-lab)
150 points by sytelus on Feb 5, 2018 | past | 35 comments
OpenPose: A Real-Time Multi-Person Keypoint Detection Library (github.com/cmu-perceptual-computing-lab)
2 points by jonbaer on July 11, 2017 | past
OpenPose (github.com/cmu-perceptual-computing-lab)
2 points by varunagrawal on May 5, 2017 | past

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