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Fuckit.py makes sure your Python code runs whether it has any right to or not (github.com/ajalt)
4 points by yhd on May 31, 2023 | past | 1 comment
Fuckit.py – run any Python code, even if broken (github.com/ajalt)
2 points by blumomo on Feb 23, 2022 | past | 1 comment
Fuckit.py: The Python Error Steamroller (2013) (github.com/ajalt)
2 points by zbentley on May 5, 2021 | past
FuckIt.py – The Python Error Steamroller (github.com/ajalt)
2 points by jzig on Oct 2, 2018 | past
Ajalt/fuckitpy: The Python error steamroller (github.com/ajalt)
2 points by vinnyglennon on April 6, 2018 | past
Fuckit.py – The Python error steamroller (github.com/ajalt)
86 points by aburan28 on Aug 31, 2015 | past | 46 comments
FuckIt.py - The Python Error Steamroller (github.com/ajalt)
252 points by rbanffy on Dec 6, 2013 | past | 97 comments

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