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It’s About Helping Your Users Become Awesome (globalnerdy.com)
8 points by nreece on Nov 1, 2009 | past
Is Your Code a Candidate for “There, I Fixed It”? (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by raganwald on Oct 27, 2009 | past
The Lightswitch That Might Explain a Lot About Java (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by smanek on Oct 1, 2009 | past
Fighting the Imperial Californian Ideology (globalnerdy.com)
2 points by bearwithclaws on Aug 7, 2009 | past
Old-School Twitter (globalnerdy.com)
3 points by raganwald on April 24, 2009 | past
What the Heck is Electronic Mail? (globalnerdy.com)
11 points by raganwald on April 22, 2009 | past | 7 comments
Analysis of the new Microsoft "I'm a PC" ad. (globalnerdy.com)
2 points by chrislo on March 27, 2009 | past | 2 comments
The Interview Question You Should Always Ask (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by dmoney on Feb 13, 2009 | past
HackLabTO’s Lisp Machine Keyboard (globalnerdy.com)
8 points by jwilliams on Feb 5, 2009 | past
Interesting distortion with the iPhone CMOS sensor (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by nreece on Jan 21, 2009 | past
The Air Force’s Rules of Engagement for Blogging (globalnerdy.com)
5 points by Flemlord on Dec 31, 2008 | past
“You’re Trying to Divide by Zero” (globalnerdy.com)
26 points by echair on Dec 30, 2008 | past | 2 comments
Radiohead’s “In Rainbows” Experiment was a Success (globalnerdy.com)
3 points by raganwald on Oct 16, 2008 | past
B5media’s Changes to Blogger Pay: Right, Fair and Still a Sweet Deal (globalnerdy.com)
2 points by raganwald on Oct 3, 2008 | past
Seinfeld and Celebrity Computer Endorsements (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by raganwald on Aug 21, 2008 | past | 1 comment
Nine Startup Diseases and How to Cure Them (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by raganwald on Aug 13, 2008 | past
Build Status Interfaces (globalnerdy.com)
4 points by raganwald on Aug 9, 2008 | past | 1 comment
RubyFringe: Day 2 Notes, Part 3 (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by raganwald on July 22, 2008 | past
My First Brush with the Music Industry (globalnerdy.com)
12 points by raganwald on May 28, 2008 | past
Communication is great and all, but don't become a "New Media Douchebag"! (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by raganwald on April 29, 2008 | past
Learning Curves for Text Editors (globalnerdy.com)
3 points by STHayden on April 25, 2008 | past | 2 comments
Creative Labs: Where No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (globalnerdy.com)
2 points by TheTarquin on March 30, 2008 | past
Now That's a Computer Book Cover (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by TheTarquin on Feb 11, 2008 | past
Assrockets and Opportunities (or: Why I Changed Jobs) (globalnerdy.com)
42 points by drm237 on Nov 26, 2007 | past | 7 comments
Web 2.0 is built on Open Source (globalnerdy.com)
1 point by paulgb on July 12, 2007 | past
Microsoft Outplaying Apple? Not the Way I See It, Scoble! (globalnerdy.com)
3 points by paulgb on July 8, 2007 | past
Do the Stupidest Thing that Could Possibly Work (globalnerdy.com)
3 points by paul on June 7, 2007 | past | 1 comment

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