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Silicon Valley’s math is getting fuzzy again. (parislemon.com)
2 points by brainless on May 1, 2012 | past
Do The Right Thing (parislemon.com)
1 point by taylorbuley on April 17, 2012 | past
Google’s Non-Split Stock Split (parislemon.com)
1 point by Cadsby on April 14, 2012 | past
MG Rant: Virgin America Is Awesome. Except When It’s The Opposite Of Awesome. (parislemon.com)
1 point by chrisacky on April 12, 2012 | past
Rethinking Smaller, Smarter Social — Then Rethinking It Again (parislemon.com)
1 point by dwynings on April 11, 2012 | past
One Burbn, One Scotch, One Beer (parislemon.com)
1 point by jasonlbaptiste on April 10, 2012 | past
Email: Archive It All. Immediately. (parislemon.com)
14 points by jordhy on April 8, 2012 | past | 2 comments
Nuts (parislemon.com)
2 points by taylorbuley on March 21, 2012 | past
Apple To Announce What They're Going To Do With Their Cash Money (parislemon.com)
1 point by davidedicillo on March 18, 2012 | past
Power (parislemon.com)
4 points by dwynings on March 17, 2012 | past
Meeting People is Easy, Remembering Them is Hard (parislemon.com)
1 point by knappster on March 9, 2012 | past
Apple And OpenStreetMap (parislemon.com)
1 point by taylorbuley on March 8, 2012 | past
The Wall Street Journal Is Fucking Bullshit (parislemon.com)
4 points by creativityhurts on Feb 24, 2012 | past
It's Unnatural (parislemon.com)
3 points by jason_shah on Feb 21, 2012 | past
Hollywood's Next Great Business Model: Praying That Stars Die (parislemon.com)
23 points by ssclafani on Feb 20, 2012 | past | 6 comments
Bat. Shit. Crazy. (MG's response to Dan Lyons) (parislemon.com)
12 points by adamtmca on Feb 14, 2012 | past | 5 comments
Content Everywhere, But Not A Drop To Drink (parislemon.com)
51 points by ssclafani on Feb 13, 2012 | past | 24 comments
To Catch A Hypocrite (the VEVO business) (parislemon.com)
2 points by mirceagoia on Feb 10, 2012 | past
Chrome For Android: The Browser For The 1% (parislemon.com)
4 points by pors on Feb 7, 2012 | past
“Let’s see how the competition goes…” - Ballmer Laughs at iPhone Release (parislemon.com)
3 points by evo_9 on Feb 6, 2012 | past
Size matters (parislemon.com)
4 points by riledhel on Feb 4, 2012 | past
Fathoming Facebook (parislemon.com)
2 points by panic on Feb 2, 2012 | past
No, Now We Have (parislemon.com)
3 points by obilgic on Jan 29, 2012 | past
Kill Hollywood, Not Movies (parislemon.com)
5 points by foxit on Jan 21, 2012 | past
MG on Google+ integration : Misdirection, Doublespeak And Bad Decisions (parislemon.com)
7 points by amitamb on Jan 11, 2012 | past | 2 comments
Google Is "Surprised" That Twitter Is "Concerned" (parislemon.com)
11 points by minecraftman on Jan 11, 2012 | past
Antitrust+? (parislemon.com)
13 points by raghus on Jan 10, 2012 | past | 8 comments
Why I Hate Android (parislemon.com)
345 points by johns on Jan 10, 2012 | past | 202 comments
Nokia Lumia 900 (parislemon.com)
2 points by jagjit on Jan 10, 2012 | past
The "Highest Quality" Android Tablet (parislemon.com)
1 point by irunbackwards on Jan 5, 2012 | past

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