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Facebook Escalates Attack on Socialist Left (wsws.org)
9 points by SamiPerttu on Jan 25, 2021 | past | 7 comments
Facebook purges left-wing pages and individuals (wsws.org)
8 points by amadeuspagel on Jan 25, 2021 | past | 4 comments
Google admits to suppressing WSWS over compliance issues (wsws.org)
38 points by dannyw on Nov 5, 2020 | past | 12 comments
New York University moves to implement racial segregation in student dorms (wsws.org)
6 points by undefined1 on Aug 24, 2020 | past | 4 comments
Hannah-Jones receives Pulitzer for personal commentary, not historical writing (wsws.org)
2 points by cbHXBY1D on May 9, 2020 | past
Germany: Daimler trains managers to kick out workers (wsws.org)
2 points by hmd_imputer on May 7, 2020 | past
Quantitative Easing Forever (wsws.org)
3 points by tikwidd on Feb 23, 2020 | past
US Department of Justice Argues Assange Has No First Amendment Rights (wsws.org)
153 points by silasdb on Jan 24, 2020 | past | 148 comments
Working Conditions in Amazon's Spartanburg, SC Warehouse (wsws.org)
2 points by bmsd_0923 on Jan 14, 2020 | past
Oxford Historian Richard Carwardine on The New York Times’ 1619 Project (wsws.org)
2 points by shawndumas on Jan 2, 2020 | past
Julian Assange “slowly dying” and “often sedated” in Belmarsh prison (wsws.org)
378 points by nohope on Dec 28, 2019 | past | 300 comments
An Interview with Historian James McPherson on The New York Times’ 1619 Project (wsws.org)
3 points by shawndumas on Dec 1, 2019 | past
An Interview with Historian James McPherson on The New York Times’ 1619 Project (wsws.org)
1 point by barry-cotter on Nov 26, 2019 | past
Leaked email – chemical attack shows 2018 strikes against Syria based on lies (wsws.org)
2 points by tez12 on Nov 25, 2019 | past
Chelsea M. imprisoned for 6 months for refusing to testify against Julian A (wsws.org)
5 points by OrgNet on Sept 22, 2019 | past
Yellow Vest Facebook group with 350k members frozen on European election day (wsws.org)
78 points by mmoez on May 30, 2019 | past | 31 comments
UN official visits Julian Assange, investigating Ecuador’s illegal surveillance (wsws.org)
3 points by jrepinc on April 27, 2019 | past
The Assange arrest is a warning from history (wsws.org)
18 points by peterkelly on April 14, 2019 | past
GM to lay off 4,250 salaried workers in North America starting Monday (wsws.org)
45 points by joeyespo on Feb 3, 2019 | past | 24 comments
The Matamoros auto strike and internet censorship (wsws.org)
3 points by gcb0 on Jan 30, 2019 | past
More Amazon workers speak out against atrocious working conditions (wsws.org)
7 points by soheil on Dec 23, 2018 | past
Amazon hired private detectives to spy on injured worker (wsws.org)
102 points by Jerry2 on Dec 23, 2018 | past | 51 comments
Behind the Facebook data scandal: The drive to censor the Internet (wsws.org)
12 points by jrepinc on March 25, 2018 | past | 3 comments
Google admits collaboration with illegal US drone murder program (wsws.org)
1 point by sjreese on March 9, 2018 | past
Google’s Eric Schmidt admits political censorship of search results (wsws.org)
2 points by jim-jim-jim on Nov 24, 2017 | past
Twitter bans RT and Sputnik from advertising (wsws.org)
1 point by sjreese on Oct 28, 2017 | past
Google escalates blacklisting of left-wing web sites and journalists (wsws.org)
2 points by sjreese on Oct 20, 2017 | past
Google intensifies censorship of left-wing websites (wsws.org)
15 points by zeep on Sept 20, 2017 | past | 15 comments
DreamHost ordered to hand over data on anti-Trump website (wsws.org)
2 points by bayareabronco on Aug 26, 2017 | past
[flagged] Evidence of Google blacklisting of left and progressive sites continues to mount (wsws.org)
52 points by fmblwntr on Aug 10, 2017 | past | 16 comments

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