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Three Mile Island Lessons for Covid-19: FEMA and Me (cringely.com)
2 points by smacktoward on April 15, 2020 | past | 1 comment
My first two predictions for 2020 – IBM and Trump (cringely.com)
2 points by BossingAround on April 10, 2020 | past
Sometimes We Get Lucky: Projectn95.org (cringely.com)
3 points by miked85 on April 6, 2020 | past
Sometimes We Get Lucky: Projectn95.org (cringely.com)
2 points by davesailer on April 3, 2020 | past
Not Just the End of IT, the End of IT Contractor (cringely.com)
10 points by alister on March 30, 2020 | past | 1 comment
Covid-19 Will Kill a Ton of Startups (Or So It Will Seem) (cringely.com)
17 points by davesailer on March 26, 2020 | past | 8 comments
2020 Brings the Death of IT (cringely.com)
5 points by davesailer on March 26, 2020 | past
2020 Prediction: Covid-19 will suck like 9/11 (cringely.com)
1 point by mysterypie on Feb 28, 2020 | past | 1 comment
Not dead yet What Bob Cringely has been up to (cringely.com)
3 points by T-A on Jan 30, 2020 | past
Looking Back at Y2K from the Trump Era (cringely.com)
1 point by MilnerRoute on Jan 25, 2020 | past
The Future of Television (cringely.com)
1 point by evo_9 on Jan 1, 2020 | past | 1 comment
The Future of Television (cringely.com)
3 points by colinprince on Sept 2, 2019 | past
Requiem for “The Cable Guy” (cringely.com)
5 points by B1FF_PSUVM on July 14, 2019 | past
Cringely – The Future of Television (cringely.com)
4 points by rmason on June 8, 2019 | past
The Future of Television (cringely.com)
2 points by robteix on June 8, 2019 | past | 1 comment
The Future of Television (cringely.com)
3 points by evo_9 on June 7, 2019 | past
Drones Become Pizza-to-the-Neighborhood (PTTN) (cringely.com)
2 points by alister on April 5, 2019 | past
I, Cringely 2019 Prediction 1- Apple Under Tim Cook Emulates GE Under Jack Welch (cringely.com)
34 points by protomyth on Feb 27, 2019 | past | 7 comments
Bob's Predictions for 2019 – The Year When Everything Changes Forever (cringely.com)
2 points by mpweiher on Feb 25, 2019 | past
I, Cringely Looking Back at 2018 Predictions, Bob Was Somehow 70 Percent Correct (cringely.com)
1 point by protomyth on Feb 19, 2019 | past
Apple knows 5G is about infrastructure, not mobile phones (2018) (cringely.com)
112 points by evo_9 on Jan 2, 2019 | past | 95 comments
Apple knows 5G is about infrastructure, Not mobile phones (cringely.com)
2 points by evo_9 on Dec 3, 2018 | past | 2 comments
Red Hat takes over IBM (cringely.com)
32 points by smacktoward on Oct 29, 2018 | past | 2 comments
Remembering Paul Allen (cringely.com)
1 point by evo_9 on Oct 25, 2018 | past
Robert X. Cringely – Remembering Paul Allen (cringely.com)
3 points by ableal on Oct 24, 2018 | past
Remembering Paul Allen (cringely.com)
2 points by rfreytag on Oct 17, 2018 | past
Remembering Paul Allen by Robert X. Cringely (cringely.com)
2 points by andersson42 on Oct 16, 2018 | past
Kai-Fu Lee's new book: AI will be Google vs. China and kill half the worlds jobs (cringely.com)
2 points by evo_9 on Sept 16, 2018 | past
Triggering a Trump meltdown: What was the point of that anonymous Op-Ed piece? (cringely.com)
2 points by rfreytag on Sept 11, 2018 | past
Kai-Fu Lee: Artificial Intelligence will kill half the world's jobs (cringely.com)
2 points by davesailer on Sept 7, 2018 | past

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