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Light penalties, lax oversight encourage weak safety at nuclear weapons labs (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by jessaustin on June 27, 2017 | past
A near-disaster at Los Alamos takes a hidden toll on America’s arsenal (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by rimunroe on June 22, 2017 | past
Technicians at Los Alamos nearly caused a runaway nuclear chain reaction (publicintegrity.org)
4 points by zubakskees on June 19, 2017 | past
Oil’s pipeline to America’s schools (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by frgtpsswrdlame on June 16, 2017 | past
'The army to set our nation free' (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by smacktoward on Oct 8, 2016 | past
Rich people have access to high-speed Internet; many poor people still don't (publicintegrity.org)
9 points by coloneltcb on May 12, 2016 | past | 5 comments
Super PAC fetishist strikes again (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by chucksmash on May 5, 2016 | past
Ailing, angry nuclear-weapons workers fight for compensation in US (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by srikar on Dec 12, 2015 | past
Results from the 2015 State Integrity Investigation (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by Amorymeltzer on Nov 14, 2015 | past
Fuel for nuclear bomb in hands of unknown Russian black marketeer, officials say (publicintegrity.org)
188 points by yurisagalov on Nov 12, 2015 | past | 128 comments
In security breach, Russian programmers wrote code for U.S. military (publicintegrity.org)
3 points by sergeant3 on Nov 10, 2015 | past
Common solvent keeps killing workers, consumers (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by Amorymeltzer on Sept 21, 2015 | past
Slow-motion tragedy for American workers (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by sergeant3 on July 10, 2015 | past
Voting with Dollars: Politicians and Their Staffers Roll with Uber (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by randomname2 on May 7, 2015 | past
Warren Buffet's mobile home empire preys on the poor (publicintegrity.org)
6 points by spenrose on April 4, 2015 | past | 3 comments
U.S. Internet users pay more and have fewer choices than Europeans (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by nkurz on April 1, 2015 | past
America remains top arms seller to the world (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by CapitalistCartr on March 18, 2015 | past | 1 comment
Broadband: The State of City-Run Internet (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by CapitalistCartr on Feb 27, 2015 | past
U.S. President favors cities offering broadband service (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by CapitalistCartr on Feb 17, 2015 | past
Time Warner Cable made its case to legislators at luxury resort (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by CapitalistCartr on Feb 17, 2015 | past
Behind the municipal broadband battle (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by CapitalistCartr on Feb 16, 2015 | past
One-stop science shop has become a favorite of industry–and Texas (publicintegrity.org)
5 points by CapitalistCartr on Dec 29, 2014 | past
'Revolving door' spins between AT&T, GSA (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by gasull on Dec 20, 2014 | past
Benzene and worker cancers: 'An American tragedy' (publicintegrity.org)
25 points by samclemens on Dec 5, 2014 | past | 3 comments
Prison bankers cash in on captive customers (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by gasull on Dec 1, 2014 | past
How big telecom smothers city-run broadband (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by e15ctr0n on Aug 29, 2014 | past
U.S. loses track of weapons shipped to Afghanistan (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by lxm on Aug 1, 2014 | past
Tech super PAC startups could tap billions (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by ca98am79 on May 16, 2014 | past
Koch brothers seek to influence the judiciary (publicintegrity.org)
2 points by ccarter84 on April 29, 2014 | past
Comcast, Time Warner rivals may see opportunity in mega-merger (publicintegrity.org)
1 point by eriklincoln on Feb 20, 2014 | past

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