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31. Superior IQs associated with mental and physical disorders, research suggests (scientificamerican.com)
494 points by tablet on Oct 14, 2019 | 476 comments
32. How I use the good parts of AWS (twitter.com/dvassallo)
357 points by DVassallo on July 28, 2019 | 165 comments
33. IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries (nbcnews.com)
335 points by onetimemanytime on May 22, 2019 | 493 comments
34. Git rebase in depth (git-rebase.io)
633 points by ddevault on May 10, 2019 | 239 comments
35. Dynamic Programming for Technical Interviews (blogarithms.github.io)
470 points by Aditya_Ramesh on March 15, 2019 | 218 comments
36. Handbrewing Coffee (quanttype.net)
115 points by tosh on March 7, 2019 | 211 comments
37. All late projects are the same (2011) [pdf] (systemsguild.com)
122 points by fanf2 on Feb 3, 2019 | 58 comments
38. Say no to Venn diagrams when explaining SQL joins (2016) (jooq.org)
262 points by alecco on Jan 12, 2019 | 83 comments
39. Dependent Haskell (serokell.io)
137 points by Serokell on Dec 17, 2018 | 88 comments
40. Where Do the Failed 0.1% Go? (2015) [pdf] (t3x.org)
150 points by lainon on Dec 10, 2016 | 170 comments
41. Show HN: Toodles – Project management directly from the TODO's in your code (github.com/aviaviavi)
151 points by aviaviavi on Oct 25, 2018 | 44 comments
42. Python to OCaml: Retrospective (roscidus.com)
235 points by Envec83 on June 6, 2014 | 71 comments
43. Sum Types in Go (jerf.org)
62 points by luu on Dec 26, 2014 | 36 comments
44. Ask HN: Best alternative to Gmail?
867 points by egonschiele on Sept 24, 2018 | 568 comments
45. Gut directly connected to brain, by a newly discovered neuron circuit (sciencemag.org)
335 points by everybodyknows on Sept 23, 2018 | 183 comments
46. How to Architect a Query Compiler, Revisited [pdf] (purdue.edu)
212 points by lainon on Aug 27, 2018 | 9 comments
47. Bumper Sticker Computer Science (1985) [pdf] (bowdoin.edu)
231 points by kamaal on Aug 19, 2018 | 49 comments
48. New Map Scale Is More Readable by People Who Are Color Blind (scientificamerican.com)
136 points by draenei on Aug 9, 2018 | 50 comments
49. How to Sell Excellence (docs.google.com)
137 points by lelf on April 3, 2015 | 120 comments
50. Ask HN: Pros and cons of working at a startup in 2018?
1139 points by snowmaker on June 11, 2018 | 939 comments
51. The Hardest Program I've Ever Written (2015) (stuffwithstuff.com)
303 points by tosh on June 9, 2018 | 76 comments
52. How we secretly introduced Haskell and got away with it (channable.com)
313 points by philippelh on March 3, 2017 | 182 comments
53. Why Children Aren't Behaving and What We Can Do About It (npr.org)
256 points by sudouser on June 3, 2018 | 287 comments
54. Facebook Tools Are Used to Screen Out Older Job Seekers, Lawsuit Claims (bloomberg.com)
362 points by uptown on May 29, 2018 | 348 comments
55. Dagoba: an in-memory graph database (2016) (aosabook.org)
133 points by jxub on May 18, 2018 | 12 comments
56. Ocean-going robots that could revolutionize fishing, drilling, and science (bloomberg.com)
219 points by walrus01 on May 20, 2018 | 91 comments
57. Solving dynamic programming interview problems (refdash.com)
461 points by otasevic on May 18, 2018 | 164 comments
58. Programming paradigms that change how you think about coding (brikis98.blogspot.com)
523 points by niels on April 10, 2014 | 199 comments
59. Copying vs. sharing in functional languages (danghica.blogspot.com)
92 points by matt_d on March 7, 2018 | 43 comments
60. Parsing: a timeline (jeffreykegler.github.io)
326 points by janvdberg on April 17, 2018 | 85 comments

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