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31. Open Textbook Initiative (aimath.org)
435 points by turingbook on Feb 9, 2022 | 87 comments
32. WebVM: Server-less x86 virtual machines in the browser (leaningtech.com)
352 points by AshleysBrain on Feb 1, 2022 | 105 comments
33. The GNU Name System (gnunet.org)
307 points by simonpure on Jan 31, 2022 | 124 comments
34. Cthulix: a Single System Image construction kit that is currently in development (cthulix.com)
107 points by teleforce on Jan 27, 2022 | 30 comments
35. There’s No Such Thing as Clean Code (steveonstuff.com)
366 points by omnibrain on Jan 28, 2022 | 379 comments
36. Do Not Log (sobolevn.me)
107 points by rbanffy on Jan 5, 2022 | 148 comments
37. Tauri – Electron alternative written in Rust (tauri.studio)
558 points by WolfOliver on Jan 5, 2022 | 418 comments
38. Elizabeth Holmes found guilty (axios.com)
1712 points by sdan on Jan 4, 2022 | 1234 comments
39. AaronOS (aaronos.dev)
138 points by luke2m on Jan 3, 2022 | 26 comments
40. DaedalOS: Desktop Environment in the Browser (dustinbrett.com)
194 points by aidog on Jan 3, 2022 | 126 comments
41. You don't need that CORS request (nickolinger.com)
382 points by olingern on Jan 3, 2022 | 243 comments
42. Self-Hosting Dozens of Web Applications and Services on a Single Server (cprimozic.net)
511 points by mattrighetti on Dec 31, 2021 | 280 comments
43. FreeFileSync: Open-Source File Synchronization and Backup (freefilesync.org)
180 points by rcoilliot on Dec 23, 2021 | 68 comments
44. Best practices can slow your application down (stackoverflow.blog)
215 points by nsoonhui on Dec 23, 2021 | 223 comments
45. Fq: Jq for Binary Formats (github.com/wader)
450 points by philosopher1234 on Dec 23, 2021 | 81 comments
46. Non-Fungible Olive Gardens (nonfungibleolivegardens.com)
290 points by arduinomancer on Dec 21, 2021 | 313 comments
47. Show HN: Python decorator that enables arbitrarily-deep tail/non-tail recursion (github.com/tylerhou)
119 points by tylerhou on Dec 20, 2021 | 21 comments
48. Code Review as a Service (pullrequest.com)
319 points by dennisy on Dec 20, 2021 | 235 comments
49. Refugees lack Covid shots because drugmakers fear lawsuits, documents show (reuters.com)
67 points by walterbell on Dec 17, 2021 | 114 comments
50. Tqdm (Python) (tqdm.github.io)
738 points by manjana on Dec 16, 2021 | 162 comments
51. Show HN: Decentralized, Mutable, Serverless Torrent Swarm Websites (github.com/publiusfederalist)
433 points by publiush on Dec 10, 2021 | 186 comments
52. Faster Gitlab CI/CD pipelines (nimbleways.com)
147 points by iduoad on Dec 9, 2021 | 58 comments
53. eBPF will help solve service mesh by getting rid of sidecars (isovalent.com)
237 points by tgraf on Dec 9, 2021 | 108 comments
54. Sshell: Serverless Shell (github.com/crucial-project)
64 points by otrack on Dec 8, 2021 | 15 comments
55. Show HN: Crane – An easy way to manage and build your Docker images (github.com/infuseai)
9 points by aar0ntw on Nov 30, 2021
56. YARP – Microsoft toolkit to build fast reverse proxy servers (microsoft.github.io)
143 points by dgellow on Nov 22, 2021 | 66 comments
57. Pyjion – A Python JIT Compiler (trypyjion.com)
257 points by BerislavLopac on Nov 9, 2021 | 118 comments
58. Jog: Print the last 10 commands you ran in the current directory (github.com/natethinks)
250 points by _lx4l on Nov 8, 2021 | 73 comments
59. Toxiproxy is a framework for simulating network conditions (github.com/shopify)
213 points by taf2 on Nov 2, 2021 | 30 comments
60. Do-nothing scripting: the key to gradual automation (2019) (danslimmon.com)
804 points by jabo on Nov 2, 2021 | 230 comments

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