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1. From Sets to Categories (2023) (abuseofnotation.github.io)
68 points by boris_m 48 days ago | 47 comments
2. General Theory of Neural Networks (robleclerc.substack.com)
217 points by rdlecler1 80 days ago | 92 comments
3. The brain makes a lot of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes (npr.org)
274 points by robg 3 months ago | 175 comments
4. Grothendieck’s use of equality (arxiv.org)
178 points by golol 4 months ago | 129 comments
5. Jon Pretty wins in court against sexual harassment claims by Scala community (pretty.direct)
157 points by skilled 5 months ago | 117 comments
6. Show HN: A self-published art book about Google's first 25 years (damaia.com)
77 points by johndamaia 5 months ago | 25 comments
7. Sleep apnea: Mouthguards less invasive, just as effective as CPAP (newatlas.com)
219 points by peutetre 5 months ago | 171 comments
8. Obituary for a quiet life (2023) (bittersoutherner.com)
1416 points by conanxin 5 months ago | 296 comments
9. Shape typing in Python (jameshfisher.com)
131 points by alexmolas 5 months ago | 75 comments
10. Kolmogorov Complexity and Compression Distance (2023) (smunshi.net)
149 points by rgbimbochamp 6 months ago | 99 comments
11. CAP twelve years later: How the "rules" have changed (2012) (infoq.com)
86 points by thunderbong 8 months ago | 57 comments
12. Sam Altman invested in age-reversal startup with "imminent" results (bloomberg.com)
29 points by behnamoh 9 months ago | 6 comments
13. LLM Visualization (bbycroft.net)
1592 points by plibither8 10 months ago | 131 comments
14. Let's try to understand AI monosemanticity (astralcodexten.com)
350 points by bananaflag 10 months ago | 179 comments
15. Exponentially faster language modelling (arxiv.org)
301 points by born-jre 10 months ago | 137 comments
16. A decade of developing a programming language (yorickpeterse.com)
288 points by YorickPeterse 10 months ago | 139 comments
17. What is a Jeffersonian dinner party? (medium.com/impactcap)
56 points by Brajeshwar on Sept 4, 2023 | 65 comments
18. Thoughts about what worked in math circles (buttondown.email/j2kun)
299 points by sberens on Aug 26, 2023 | 44 comments
19. Do Machine Learning Models Memorize or Generalize? (withgoogle.com)
454 points by 1wheel on Aug 10, 2023 | 210 comments
20. FBI agents accuse CIA of 9/11 coverup (spytalk.co)
441 points by VagueMag on May 8, 2023 | 241 comments
21. Basic math related to computation and memory usage for transformers (eleuther.ai)
168 points by tim_sw on April 19, 2023 | 13 comments
22. The end of a myth: Distributed transactions can scale (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
327 points by luu on April 11, 2023 | 88 comments
23. A Gentle Introduction to CRDTs (vlcn.io)
278 points by tantaman on Feb 10, 2023 | 39 comments
24. Computational Foundations for the Second Law of Thermodynamics (stephenwolfram.com)
44 points by mvm on Feb 4, 2023 | 12 comments
25. Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out by Andrej Karpathy [video] (youtube.com)
1110 points by georgehill on Jan 17, 2023 | 104 comments
26. Interactive California Reservoir Levels Dashboard (engaging-data.com)
103 points by viewtransform on Jan 10, 2023 | 44 comments
27. The Roof Always Caves In: Why there is nothing wrong with being doomed (comment.org)
134 points by cratermoon on Dec 6, 2022 | 29 comments
28. Aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of metastatic cancer in mice: study (tau.ac.il)
172 points by gmays on Nov 17, 2022 | 106 comments
29. Why are glasses so expensive? The industry prefers to keep that blurry (2019) (latimes.com)
375 points by joelkesler on Nov 8, 2022 | 316 comments
30. Listening to songs can cause a physiological response known as “frisson” (bigthink.com)
288 points by mhb on May 20, 2022 | 150 comments

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