1. | | Geometry, Algebra, and Intuition (2017) (shapeoperator.com) |
244 points by sebg on Oct 22, 2019 | 39 comments
2. | | String Diagrams for Linear Algebra (graphicallinearalgebra.net) |
142 points by saroyas on Oct 12, 2019 | 25 comments
3. | | Enoki: Structured vectorization and differentiation on modern processors (enoki.readthedocs.io) |
108 points by ingve on Sept 28, 2019 | 7 comments
4. | | Reddit was down for over two hours (statuspage.io) |
232 points by bluedino on Sept 18, 2019 | 268 comments
5. | | Why doesn't mathematics collapse, though humans often make mistakes in proofs? (mathoverflow.net) |
256 points by mathgenius on Aug 18, 2019 | 80 comments
6. | | How the Pentagon Comes Up with Code Words and Secret Project Nicknames (thedrive.com) |
116 points by jonbaer on Aug 12, 2019 | 15 comments
7. | | Social exclusion fuels extremism in young men (neurosciencenews.com) |
302 points by jseliger on Aug 12, 2019 | 326 comments
8. | | Arend: Theorem Prover Based on Homotopy Type Theory by JetBrains (arend-lang.github.io) |
309 points by adamnemecek on Aug 6, 2019 | 114 comments
9. | | The Mathematics of Text Structure (arxiv.org) |
89 points by mathgenius on July 27, 2019 | 13 comments
10. | | A Differentiable Programming System to Bridge ML and Scientific Computing (arxiv.org) |
381 points by ChrisRackauckas on July 19, 2019 | 71 comments
11. | | Knowledge Extraction from Unstructured Texts (2016) (heuritech.com) |
272 points by homarp on May 26, 2019 | 32 comments
12. | | A Randomized Controlled Trial of Interleaved Mathematics Practice [pdf] (usf.edu) |
111 points by mpweiher on May 19, 2019 | 32 comments
13. | | Modern SAT solvers: fast, neat and underused (codingnest.com) |
465 points by kachnuv_ocasek on May 19, 2019 | 118 comments
14. | | Matrices as Tensor Network Diagrams (math3ma.com) |
225 points by _Microft on May 17, 2019 | 33 comments
15. | | TLA+: design, model, document, and verify concurrent systems (lamport.azurewebsites.net) |
148 points by lolptdr on May 3, 2019 | 32 comments
16. | | Applied Category Theory (ocw.mit.edu) |
508 points by lelf on April 19, 2019 | 106 comments
17. | | A Gentle Introduction to Text Summarization in Machine Learning (floydhub.com) |
325 points by ReDeiPirati on April 16, 2019 | 28 comments
18. | | What is GraphBLAS? (aldenmath.com) |
54 points by espeed on April 7, 2019 | 11 comments
19. | | Scientists Discover Exotic New Patterns of Synchronization (quantamagazine.org) |
83 points by headalgorithm on April 8, 2019 | 20 comments
20. | | AmpliGraph: A TensorFlow-Based Library for Knowledge Graph Embeddings (ampligraph.org) |
112 points by mulletboy on April 3, 2019 | 12 comments
21. | | Principal component analysis: pictures, code and proofs (2018) (joellaity.com) |
179 points by stuffypages on March 11, 2019 | 31 comments
22. | | Theory of self-reproducing automata (1966) (archive.org) |
80 points by HNLurker2 on March 10, 2019 | 12 comments
23. | | Learning higher order programs through abstraction and invention [pdf] (ic.ac.uk) |
37 points by YeGoblynQueenne on March 2, 2019
24. | | Open-sourcing homomorphic hashing to secure update propagation (fb.com) |
85 points by ingve on March 2, 2019 | 12 comments
25. | | Topological methods for unsupervised learning problems [video] (slideslive.com) |
57 points by lmcinnes on Feb 28, 2019 | 11 comments
26. | | What Is Differentiable Programming? (fluxml.ai) |
133 points by one-more-minute on Feb 11, 2019 | 41 comments
27. | | Neural Networks, Manifolds, and Topology (2014) (colah.github.io) |
129 points by flancian on Feb 11, 2019 | 25 comments
28. | | A Mini-Introduction to Information Theory (arxiv.org) |
136 points by godelmachine on Feb 3, 2019 | 24 comments
29. | | Visual Quantum Physics (visualquantumphysics.org) |
134 points by bindidwodtj on Feb 2, 2019 | 19 comments
30. | | Stealing the Enemy's Urban Advantage: The Battle of Sadr City (usma.edu) |
246 points by jspencer508 on Jan 31, 2019 | 207 comments
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