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If this interests you, it’s worth taking a look at Genetic Programming. I find it to be a simpler approach at the same problem, no math required. It simply recombines programs by their AST, and given some heuristic, optimizes the program for it. The magic is in your heuristic function, where you can choose what you want to optimize for (ie. Speed, program length, minimize complex constructs or function calls, network efficiency, some combination therein, etc).


Tip for San Francisco Bay Area Jazz fans: I just found out about https://bachddsoc.org/ in Half Moon Bay - an apparently legendary jazz venue that's been hosting world-class musicians since the 1950s. I went on Sunday and it was fantastic - a really quirky venue, great music.

I think it may be one of the Bay Area's best kept secrets.

It's easy enough until your fuel budget gets tight: http://moonlander.seb.ly

Just in case you didn't know, there is https://geizhals.eu which is the same as https://skinflint.co.uk which has very, very detailed filtering and sorting capabilities. Plus an android app (maybe iOS too). My personal go-to app/site when searching for computer hardware. Check it out.

My husband built https://wikimap.wiki which shows every geotagged Wikipedia article on a map at once. It was actually quite complex to do this because of the large number of articles. The UI makes some compromises to try to keep it usable but it's a tough nut to crack with the highly variable density. It also has filtering by category and some features of that nature.

The major trick is that the article icons are a layer of prerendered tiles; the client can't handle that many objects. Clicking does a request to a geojson server backed by postgis to find what's in the region you clicked. I'm not sure that it's actually updating right now either, ingesting updates takes hours and is pretty brittle because of issues with the format of the dumps Wikipedia provides.

> “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”

Saw that quote I think on HN a while ago.

Grief sucks. It's different than our other emotions. You can do all the right things and have everything going for you after, but it's still always there and never goes away. Something you truly how to live with and not be afraid to face or run from. This tragedy is different because in a way is ongoing. I found the post extremely inspirational. Best of luck on the new journey. Seems like they'll figure it out.

Nice app! I'm curious, how did you accomplish all the package managers?

I added Trippy to my list of Rust favorites: https://github.com/sixarm/cargo-install-favorites

I highly recommend anyone to read Google's [AIP](https://google.aip.dev/). There's even a grpc schema linter for it. Put more focus on the resource data design than nitpicking on transport details. I would consider the best lessons to be:

- Optional but supported user defined identifiers, it's so frustrating to work with API that passes you back an identifier.

- String identifier (names) for resources, with some kind of type namespacing, i.e. the prefix in the author's document - Consistent set of fields (create_time, update_time, annotations, ...)

- Avoid dynamic map (this is a JSON self-inflicted wound)


It's a web app to help you improve your real-life pool (billiards) game. You can practice shots and learn to visualize the angles. Eventually, I want to go way beyond basic shotmaking and teach patterns, but it's already useful in it's current state at least to beginners and intermediate players.

I've posted about it before but I've made a lot more progress since then, including making it mobile-friendly.


LittleSis* is a free database of who-knows-who at the heights of business and government

* opposite of Big Brother

We're a grassroots watchdog network connecting the dots between the world's most powerful people and organizations

Also has lazynpm & lazygit, which are similar-at-first-blush TUI (terminal UI) systems. https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazynpm https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit

That ability to navigate & go anywhere (lots of linkability) feels like something the web should be great at. But most interfaces (web or anywhere) tend towards heavy modal behaviors: they only do one thing at a time, have specific navigation affordances to get you to the next view. Having a couple different panes always-onscreen with some dedicated different bits of context in them feels sharp/smart!

Apple doesn’t verify that purchases from the educational store are from students it’s honor system. Those prices are available to everyone, in small quantities.

Sit the 15 inch MBA next to the 16 inch MBP and the screens look identical. Performance wise the M2 w unified memory crushes X86 systems across the benchmarks at half the power budget.

This is an exhausting perspective on life. The guy who wrote 80% of the codebase is always going to be more productive than someone who wrote 2% of it, that doesn’t mean they are 10x smarter than you.

I noticed this hyper obsession with productivity in our industry from measuring yourself against how you perceive others productivity. But there’s much less focus put on how your peers became productive at their specialization. That’s the real secret sauce, is to become productive at some specialization in software engineering you need experience + a deep mental model of your codebase and a mental model of your dependencies.

The reason a task that should have been 4 hours takes 4 days is because you had to debug, read documentation and try things. If you immediately could predict why an issue was happening because you had a deep mental model of the OS, the runtime, your architecture etc. you would be able to solve any issue you run into in several orders less time. That’s how you actually become more productive as an engineer in your field.

This obsession with grinding and hyper productivity is out of hand, your physical and mental health are way more important.

On the topic of JSON and whatnot that reminded me of this awesome post[1] about looking within heap snapshots for entire data structures where they may have a lot of nicely structured data within it not readily available from more direct URL calls.

[1] https://www.adriancooney.ie/blog/web-scraping-via-javascript...

(Previous comments about it from 2022 here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31205139)

The big takeaway here for me is to make liberal use of the phrase "Shoo, little people! Out of my way!" when they don't approve my code reviews.

If you wanted to learn, I really recommend Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (OSTEP). I thought it was excellent and pretty easy to follow. https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/

If you're in the market for buy-it-for-life solid wood furniture:





https://www.57thstreetbookcase.com/ (all bookcases, some veneer and plywood)




https://roomandboard.com (mix of solid and veneer, some MDF)

These makers are in a league of their own, very expensive, incredibly beautiful hand-made pieces:


https://www.thosmoser.com (highly recommended)

https://nakashimawoodworkers.com (new commissions around $7K-$15K for a coffee table, $20K-40K for dining table, plus shipping; older Nakashima pieces are highly valued in the art world and sell anywhere between $15K-$300K)


Edit: Also, to echo what someone mentioned below, if you're interested in solid wood furniture you should find a local woodworker.

Another edit and thought: I used to own a lot of IKEA furniture and as I've gotten older, have slowly replaced those pieces with items from Knoll, with custom pieces from local woodworkers, with a few pieces from the studios listed above. A lot of people are commenting on the cost, and yes they're expensive and could be considered luxury goods.

But if you like art and design and you care about quality, you save for what you want to buy. I wanted to be surrounded by great craftsmanship, so instead of buying "stuff" and instead of spending money on lots of subscriptions and services, or constantly upgrading phones and computers, I buy one piece of nice furniture every year. I believe the more you appreciate the things around you, the more they begin to influence your own work, and your sense of place.

I regularly see a lot of IKEA furniture on the side of the road and in dumpsters. I think this is the difference between buying "things" and having "possessions" but that's a discussion for another day.

There’s a French documentary series about the shit people go through living in areas with bad roads that is my favorite thing on YouTube. Here’s an episode about Afghanistan https://youtu.be/a-QHgZYmfpM

While this doesn't directly answer your questions, its worth mentioning that people interested in this topic may also be interested in the Microconf community:


Microconf is dedicated to mostly bootstrapped SaaS founders and has a lot of members and content who fit the description above

History may not repeat, but it rhymes. Great empires all eventually fall because its citizens started to see each other as enemies more than allies.

That being said, the narrative is also written by victors in the eyes of the ruling class. So take them with a grain of salt. For example, America was only a symbol of freedom for those fled Europe, not much for those who were here before or shipped from Africa.

To see him in action - I love this video where he explains how he wrote Laura Palmer's theme:


When a person is enveloped in grief, cooking a meal is the most impossible thing to do. The reasons are many, but it is so.

If someone you know has just lost their loved one, in those days soon after, visit them, and take containers with some meals you have prepared. Like, heat'em and eat'em.

Even if you only go to check in and hug and drop them off.

It will relieve that person of a burden.

With the default settings and just scrolling around it really feels like I'm in some sort of badly played Ghibli's OST!




This youtube made it click for me what is actually going on:

Git for ages 4 and up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ffBJ4sVUb4

If you want to use state of the art password cracking: https://hashcat.net/hashcat/

The best way to start is probably Rust By Example https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/ and/or Rustlings https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings/ . The key is to do those exercises "the hard way" and get some familiarity with the mechanics of coding in Rust. Once you've done that, reading TRPL will make a lot more sense.

Daniel Stenberg, curl's lead developer, made a good tutorial video[1] on curl, focusing on advanced use of its HTTP options.

Here are some org-format notes I took on curl, mostly from the contents of that video: [2]

[1] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6id1Y0YuNk

[2] - https://paste.grml.org/plain/3559

I had to through my saved favorites, but I knew what you were talking about. From 5(!) years ago:


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