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Just yesterday I blocked the bots from my blog using this[1]. Of course whether these bots respect robots.txt nowadays is a different question altogether

[1]: https://github.com/fardog/fardog.io/commit/b2e3eac838ea25209...

I learned HTML and CSS mainly from MDN, so that's where I suggest you look. As for stuff I use in css most often I can only recommend a few articles and such. Learn how to use Flexbox and CSS Grid though for sure (as those are the two most modern ways to layout an HTML page) as well as CSS Positioning [0] (which is some of the older ways to lay things out).

[0]: https://alistapart.com/article/css-positioning-101/

For JS there are some online books that are gold mines the problem is finding them. One is Eloquent JavaScript which is available to read online for free here [1].

[1]: https://eloquentjavascript.net/

Though I've never actually finished the whole thing it does a pretty great job explaining JS to the uninitiated.

My other favorite books in JS are actually all from the same person Axel Rauschmayer. All of his books are available online for free here [2]. He has a really good way of explaining in my opinion and his books kind of take out all the fluff.

[2]: https://exploringjs.com/

SEEKING CONTRACT WORK, Cassandra / Druid Cluster Engineer, Primarily Remote (based in Eindhoven, NL)

Well-rounded data engineer with deep knowledge of the internals of distributed datastores.

Core Skills:

● Cassandra (Data Modeling, Troubleshooting Performance And Operational Issues)

● Druid (Stream Ingestion, Cluster Ops, Data Modeling, Scaling Complex Queries)

● Stream Processing At Scale: Kafka, Flink, Spark Streaming

● Programming Languages: Scala (highly proficient, 8 years exp.), Python (proficient)

Other Skills: Zookeeper, Redshift, Kinesis, Airflow, JVM tuning for big data, AWS cost optimization for big data.

Educational Background: Computer Science.

Solid experience working remotely.

All of my recent work history (8 years) is exclusively with startups.

Seeking contract work.

E-mail address in the profile.

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