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In my experience the focus should be on avoiding incidental complexity. Essential complexity born from business problems are counter intuitively often better left complex.

I use a `TODO.md` file.

GitHub flavored markdown will format a list like this:

    1. [X] Dockerfile
    2. [ ] Bulk Inference
    3. [ ] CLI
    4. [ ] Logging
as a neat little list of checked/unchecked checkboxes. I create a section called "Backlog" for future ideas, a section called "Bugs" for bugs to fix, and an unnamed section at the top with current items. Once I reach a milestone like a release, I delete all the completed items.

I wrote a blog post about this a few years ago that goes viral every now and then[1]. The issue is that these companies have been forcing an asymmetrical market (surprise surprise, that's how they make money); the irony being that marriage/dating markets have been historically seen as some of the most efficient markets around. In fact, economists study these as "ideal markets."

There's also a lot of pushback against the hookup culture that has become prevalent in the past decade (facilitated primarily by the apps), and of course Covid has made social groups much more rigid. As a single guy in my 30s, going out to a bar and meeting random people (even guys, let alone women) seems much harder than it was just 3-4 years ago.

Dating apps are also extremely superficial where to have a modicum of success these days you essentially need to do a photo shoot. Women hate them because of weirdos and bad dates, men hate them because of atrocious m:f ratios, and frankly, I hope they go away. They've probably done more harm to our society than good.

[1] https://dvt.name/2020/02/24/rfc-lets-disrupt-dating-apps/

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