>Apple needs to decide if it wants to be “right,” or if it wants to be happy.
I think Siracusa is referencing a line from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, spoken by Slartibartfast as part of an exchange with Arthur Dent:
>"I'd far rather be happy than right any day."
>"And are you?"
>"No, that's where it all falls down, of course."
>"Pity," said Arthur with sympathy. "It sounded like quite a good lifestyle otherwise."
I love the book, but that particular line has stuck with me for quite a while. I try to use it as a guide whenever I start to lean toward being right over happiness. Works for relationships, code reviews, whatever you like.
>Apple needs to decide if it wants to be “right,” or if it wants to be happy.
I think Siracusa is referencing a line from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, spoken by Slartibartfast as part of an exchange with Arthur Dent:
>"I'd far rather be happy than right any day."
>"And are you?"
>"No, that's where it all falls down, of course."
>"Pity," said Arthur with sympathy. "It sounded like quite a good lifestyle otherwise."
I love the book, but that particular line has stuck with me for quite a while. I try to use it as a guide whenever I start to lean toward being right over happiness. Works for relationships, code reviews, whatever you like.