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This is a common misunderstanding of the poorly-named “hygiene hypothesis”. For a fuller explanation of how immunologists think about this today, see this article: https://rachel.fast.ai/posts/2024-08-13-crowds-vs-friends/

In short - viruses can actually harm your immune system and lead to long term problems. OTOH, we co-evolved with certain parasites that can help us.

Airborne pathogens are not likely to be the helpful type we’ve co-evolved with — they’re much more likely to be the type we’ve only had to deal with since the creation of higher density living and rapid long distance travel. Therefore air filters are likely to help children’s health both short and long term.

I'd assume Ireland has something like bailiffs in the UK.

Delta tried not paying around £3000 owed to a customer. He got a court order and sent bailiffs who went to the airport, closed the checking and said they were going seize the plane to pay for the debt.

There's a good short documentary about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QSj9odUD_c&t=320s . This link starts at 320 seconds, where the action starts. Start from the beginning if you want the back story.

Spoiler: Delta called the police who explained to them that they were about to pay up or lose the plane. Delta paid up. Actually, the managed used her personal card to pay I'd assume Delta paid her back.

I got mine off eBay, but you can get the same panels from AlfaZeta. There are some more affordable options like: https://xqd-led.en.alibaba.com/productgrouplist-936470954-2/.... I do mention in my post that I would like to see these panels become more affordable for hobbyists. If anyone wants to collaborate on this, please contact me!

About 11 years ago, after having written a tiny ray tracer from scratch using Java, I taught myself some ray tracing with POV-Ray. My goal was to learn a few POV-Ray features each day over 25 days and render some interesting scenes that exercise those features.

I began with simple spheres and cubes and gradually progressed to more intricate shapes and textures. Here are the results:


The source code is in the "src/" directory. The rendered images are included in the README (scroll down to see them). I hope you like them!

there's also Refact (https://github.com/smallcloudai/refact/) with support of several open-source code LLMs and extension for VS Code and Jetbrains

There are a bunch of VSCode extensions that make use of local models. Tabby seems to be the most friendly right now, but I admittedly haven't tried it myself: https://tabbyml.github.io/tabby/

Works nearly out of the box with llama.cpp, which makes it easy to try locally: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/issues/2766

Here's some output from q4_0 quantization of CodeLlama-7b-Python (first four lines are the prompt):

    # prints the first ten prime numbers 
    def print_primes(): 
        i = 2 
        num_printed = 0 # end of prompt
        while num_printed < 10:
            if is_prime(i):
                num_printed += 1
            i += 1

    def is_prime(n):
        i = 2
        while i * i <= n:
            if n % i == 0:
                return False
            i += 1
        return True

    def main():

    if __name__ == '__main__':

It will be interesting to see how the larger models perform, especially after community tuning and with better context/prompting.

I have quite a few domains with Gandi, using their email service on a few because I'm lazy and it's free. Not sure when (or if) I'll receive notice of this change. Maybe it's regional? Seems most of the comments show £ as currency.

This is going to burn all of their goodwill they accumulated with the "no bullshit" slogan. I will be swiftly moving all my domains, likely to Porkbun.

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