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I made a simple particle simulation in Codify in around 30 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEqTvRd8qMM

That is, 30 minutes, plus few more minutes pouring over the examples learning LUA syntax (I've never worked in it before but it's basically Python but lazier and more forgiving)

At times it felt a bit frustrating, as some of the code, such as p[i].x = p[i].x + p[i].vx takes forever to write because of the brackets, which are 3 taps each. I think this can be improved upon in the future.

Many examples are provided which is very nice. The graphics is done using opengl-like stack with pops and pushes of transformations.

Overall, the app is very impressive and I'd love to see these kinds of apps used in education. Kids could use it to learn programming, without having to suffer the overhead of file system etc., as on a real computer. Excellent stuff with bright future.

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