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Supplements, especially L-DOPA (amazing mood improvement and libido boost), L-citrulline (libido and energy boost) and niacin.

There are other supplements¹ in my stack but these three stand out as the effects are near immediate, measured in mere minutes/hours.

¹zinc methionine, L-taurine, Ashwagandha, Boswellia serrata, fish oil, cod liver oil, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C , D, K, calcium, resveratrol.

The US Surgeon General: https://twitter.com/surgeon_general/status/12337257852839321...

"Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus..."

I really appreciate this link. I would have never seen this otherwise. It's kind of a disappointment for us on the enterprise side. Our main offering is an offline app where people are disconnected from the internet for weeks and we use localStorage to validate who they are. It's a bit vague about how this affects apps that don't use safari. Nevertheless, we might have to start to really think about the user experience here now that this update is out.

His analogy is pretty poor IMO. A more realistic analogy is: imagine if a group of people got together and bought a plot of land to mine gold. Then imagine these people told all of their friends that they had a gold mine and were willing to split the output of the gold mine with all of their friends for just $10k/piece.

Now imagine the government said: hey, you don't even know if there's gold on that land, but you're promising your investors that there is. And not only are they telling us we can't sell part of our non-existent gold to our friends, we can't sell it to people ANYWHERE.

Sound completely unfair? Government overstep? We aren't allowed to sell people something that doesn't exist?

Damnit now I wanna kick back with a good drink and some paper to slowly draw a map upon and have another go at Curses.

But first I have to pick an interpreter for my Mac. The list[1] pointed to in this article is spectacularly unhelpful, what with being a series of directories with names largely derived from spells in Enchanter and no hints as to what platforms they're on, or what the strengths and weaknesses of each is.

The IFDB page for Curses[2] that this article links to points me to a page on another site entirely[3] for interpreter recommendations. Its suggestion for Windows, Mac, and Linux is Lectrote[4]. Which is an Electron app that binds together no less than four different adventure game interpreters. I am generally adverse to Electron apps for the usual reasons (CPU/RAM hogs that consistently break OSX's built-in spellcheck/text expansion on all their text input fields) but somehow, contemplating the teetering pile of virtuality that running a Javascript Z-machine with an entire web browser strapped on the side entails, I feel like this is entirely appropriate in this case.

I also feel like the process of digging through this twisty maze of web links, all different, may have made my score go up.

1: http://mirror.ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archive/infocom/inter...

2: https://ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?id=plvzam05bmz3enh8

3: http://brasslantern.org/players/howto/tadownload-c.html

4: https://github.com/erkyrath/lectrote/releases

i was curious if i could run diablo2 on my kubernetes clusters.

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