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I've always found the MyNoise tinnitus track to be mysterious but it seems to work at least for a short amount of time:


Terrence Tao has an old excellent presentation on the “cosmic ladder” which shows how from this measurement you can build up to measure the largest distances in the visible universe: https://terrytao.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/cosmic-distance...

I once helped Mr. Connery print something.

I was staying at the Beverly Hills Hilton in 2004 during Oscars week. I was in the business center on the Internet (this was the dark ages before ubiquitous hotel WiFi and personal devices.)

Someone comes in, and then a few minutes later says in a completely unmistakable voice

“Excuse me, do you know how to print this?”

I immediately jumped into parental IT support mode, it was a pretty easy thing to do, he said, Thanks, and (this is the awkward thing) continued to stay in there on the computer while I had to do the whole “pretend to be normal around Sean freaking Connery” for the next 20 minutes. I couldn’t even bring up the courage to mention my childhood favorite, Darby O’Gill and the Little People …

PS the reason I was there was to film an episode of Jeopardy, and I told Alex what had transpired (he loves those skits) and he was pretty pumped, he asked if I’d pop him in the mouth and tell him “that’s from Trebek” if I saw him again.

RIP Sean Connery, a great actor!

Oh HN, never change!

Unsurprisingly lots of people have been in similar situations, so there is a Wiki article on one of the Internet's best personal finance and investing websites: "Managing a windfall" https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Managing_a_windfall

"Do nothing rash. Set aside one year's living expenses[note 2] and place the rest of the windfall into low risk investments (FDIC insured accounts, money market funds, treasury bills) for one year. As it may take as long as five years for the windfall recipient to adjust to a new life, this pause provides a chance for emotions to cool, helps avoid impulsive behavior, and, if warranted, allows the recipient time to put together a team of professional advisers."

If you want to keep everything up to date I recommend checking your diagrams in with your code. GitLab has support for plantUML https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/integration/plantu... and Mermaid https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/markdown.html#mermaid

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If you don't click through to read about this: you can write an FPGA image in verilog/VHDL and upload it... and then run it. To me that seems like magic.

HDK here: https://github.com/aws/aws-fpga

(I work for AWS)

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