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If anyone is already running auto1111, or simply uninterested in paying, there's an addon that does this very well available here https://github.com/KutsuyaYuki/ABG_extension, additionally I've had very good results using the masks generated by Facebook's SAM, which is also available as an addon here https://github.com/continue-revolution/sd-webui-segment-anyt...

auto1111 has a one click installer and these extensions can be installed by going to the "extensions" tab and pasting the github URL into the "install from URL" box. auto1111 available here https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui

Attention is all you need, and the first GPT paper. Also Gwern’s scaling hypothesis blog post

Though really the best thing is to use GPT-4 as a tutor. It has the 2021 knowledge cutoff but it’s excellent at knowing what’s relevant and explaining it.

See also https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35114530



Does the above cover what you’re looking for, or if not, could you give some more info about what you’re looking for?

I'm a Meteorologist and after trying all kinds of commercially available and home-brew systems over the years I settled on a Weatherflow unit, by Tempest, it JUST WORKS and does everything I need, minus air quality which I have a Purple Air sensor for.


Here is my golden setup: Cloudflare Tunnels + All ports closed (except ssh) + bare metal server. You can scale to the moon with like a million active users on a couple of 16 core servers (1 primary, 1 hot failover). You don't need AWS. You don't need Terraform. You don't need kubernetes. Hell, you don't need docker because you know apriori what the deployment environment is. Just run systemd services.

99% of the startsup will never need anything more. They'll fail before that. The ones that succeed have a good problem on hand to actually Scale™.

What we're seeing is premature-optimi...errr scaling.

Edit more context:

For Postgres, setup streaming replication between postgres and hot standby. You need a remote server somewhere to check health of your primary and run promote to your hot standby if it fails. It is not that difficult. Have cron jobs to back up your database with pgdumpall in addition somewhere on Backblaze or S3. Use your hot standby to run Grafana/Prometheus/Loki stack. For extra safety, run both servers on ZFS raid (mirror or raidz2) on nvme drives. You'll get like 100k IOPS which would be 300x of base RDS instance on AWS. Ridiculous savings and performance would be just astonishing. Run your app to call postgres on localhost, it will be the fastest web experience your customers will ever experience, on edge or not.

3 children, we only slept them in their rooms, starting day 10. Naps, day sleep, everything, they slept in their room and in their crib. The room was light controlled, meaning there was no light at all. They quickly associated any sleep with their room and their crib.

We used a baby motion sleep mat for peace of mind for SIDS, the thing was so sensitive it could detect the breathing, but if the baby moved off the mat even a little bit it sounded an alarm.

Unless a baby has colic, and we used baby dophilus for all our children to avoid any stomach or intestine issues, new babies aren't very fussy sleepers. The fussy sleeping usually happens when they get older, but by then they were accustomed to sleeping in their crib.

We never once had a crying fit, we also never forced them to sleep, sometimes, just like adults they aren't ready for sleep, those moments were few and far between and we just surfed through those times.

By 6 months all 3 children were sleeping through the nigh.

Every soon to be new parent we coached on this method had the same success, probably 40+ babies.

(Designer behind the Tailscale blog here)

Glad you like it! The text styles are custom, and the layout is built using an in-house CSS framework not unlike Tailwind [1].

But if you'd like to build something similar, you could get pretty close by using something like Tailwind and building with Rasmus Andersson's lovely (and open-source!) Inter type family [2], which we use throughout the site.

[1] https://tailwindcss.com/ [2] https://rsms.me/inter/

note, this also works if you add 'move' in between 're' and 'ddit' (i.e. removeddit)

so: https://www.removeddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/gitw...

good to have backup services.

All this is true, and there's another statistically-rooted problem that pertains even to mundane "enterprise" projects where there's little new invention and where reliable time estimates should be possible.

Let's say that you have 20 tasks. Each involves rolling a 10-sided die. If it's a 1 through 8, wait that number of minutes. If it's a 9, wait 15 minutes. If it's a 10, wait an hour.

How long is this string of tasks going to take? Summing the median time expectancy, we get a sum 110 minutes, because the median time for a task is 5.5 minutes. The actual expected time to completion is 222 minutes, with 5+ hours not being unreasonable if one rolls a lot of 9's and 10's.

This is an obvious example where summing the median expected time for the tasks is ridiculous, but it's exactly what people do when they compute time estimates, even though the reality on the field is that the time-cost distribution has a lot more weight on the right. (That is, it's more common for a "6-month" project to take 8 months than 4. In statistics-wonk terms, the distribution is "log-normal".)

Software estimates are generally computed (implicitly) by summing the good-case (25th to 50th percentile) times-to-completion, assuming perfect parallelism with no communication overhead, and with a tendency for unexpected tasks, undocumented responsibilities, and bugs to be overlooked outright.

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