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Delete this and wash your filthy little mind out before your ideas end up tainting our new OpenCEO's training corpus.

I'd be okay with a world in which everyone else in search didn't lose, too.

Had yours erupted? Mine were impacted and warranted an oral/maxillofacial surgeon. They usually won't administer local anesthesia with a vasoconstrictor to me because of hypertension.

I can see how local would be fine for what amounts to an uncomplicated extraction, though. Just make sure they don't bill you for an OR and anesthetist, anyway!

I was a +1 at an ESOL conference recently where this point was heavily featured by both elementary and high school faculty.

There are warning signs, students who are regressing, who are being failed (often by being passed) by their teachers and schools who don't have the processes or resources to identify and divert them. They're primarily male, and until they're out of that school system, they don't often have a chance to discover who they are in a context free from conflict, stress, and failure.

I wouldn't call it feminization because it comes down to the support the superintendents have from above and below for testing and support, but it's certainly a combination of lies in aggregate, leftovers from zero tolerance and NCLB, and expansions of duties without sufficient resources. The teachers know and feel it, but they can't help everyone when the schools are being run in a way that prioritizes the highest volume of students completing their "sentence" over caring about individual competency and development.

Bearing in mind that there have been effectively zero major graphic adventure games in the past two decades, exclusive console players, smartphone gacha gamers, and 20 year olds who did not grow up with parents who loved PC adventure games will likely not understand or appreciate something quiet that they can immerse themselves in and explore for days, weeks, months.

I say this as someone who hasn't ever played a game on a smartphone or tablet and bought a PS5 and has barely used it because none of the games are "fun" (also, is local co-op just not a thing anymore?).

>heat dissipation is directly proportionaly to speed.

Power limiting Nvidia GPUs up to around 60% of max TDP can offer a substantial reduction to heat and noise with minimal performance loss, but agreed on everything else.

I've always agreed with David Mitchell's take:


And here's the sketch referenced in the article:


This should be the first comment on any "identity theft" story to change the onus of proof narrative amongst the populous.

There's a certain positive status associated being "fat and happy" in the US.

Americans are also, on the whole, gigantic people. Tall, wide, huge frames and/or a lot of meat on the bone. Only some of that is accounted for by diet.

I think there's more to do in Japan locally, or at least more general social/physical freedom, which I attribute to low costs and high mobility. Nature in the US is generally privatized, far out of the way, or has limited access or parking. If you travel by walking in the US, middle class people think you're poor or your car has broken down. There's a bit of a stigma in some cases and places against not being sedentary and large (or, having to move and sweat for anyone).

It's really quite simple to me. I don't quite understand why folks seem to argue about why the US is obese and Japan isn't. It comes down to one thing but I suspected aided by another three things:

In Japan a mindset of just enough seems to be prevalent. They do not seem to be as prone to glorifying excess in all ways like us Americans tend to be. I think this is a / the key aspect which is supported by these:

Americans are not active. Japanese people tend to be active and walking absolutely contributes to this.

Americans eat low quality food. We eat a lot of food with added sugar. We feed candy to children in sugary water-fat for breakfast. We eat processed and ultra processed foods regularly even when we primarily prepare meals at home.

Americans are anti-conformist. Japan is very conformist. This relates to social pressure(fat shaming, diet) and social activity cohesion (exercise, dieting).

It seems quite evident at even a glance why one country would be overweight while the other tends to be fit. In the US our culture rewards excess. We value cars more than people. We care about profits over people, too, really. Things like healthcare and food come to mind here.

In truth, I've noticed Reddit refugees here who think they're community cops, and it's distracting enough that it's decreased my enjoyment of discussion.

Because they don't discuss. They downvote to disagree, they don't reply, and they karma farm like that gives them street cred to be miserable. It's like they're not even people outside of their accounts.

Thanks for contributing to the good days on efnet.

I gave up reddit after (although not because) I was banned for not riding a mod vigilantism hype train. If you're not part of the hive mind, you're really worse than nothing to them.

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